You’ve only been on this platform for 2 weeks, and your entire post history is some of the worst takes I’ve seen. Good job.
You’ve only been on this platform for 2 weeks, and your entire post history is some of the worst takes I’ve seen. Good job.
Yes, Rogan endorsing Trump makes him a fascist. Do you need to read that again?
Again since it seems you’re a little slow. I’ve only called Rogan and Trump fascists. But keep on lying if that makes you feel better. And do i really need to bring up points on why Trump is a fucking fascist? Had your head up your own ass for the past 8 years, champ?
I’m editing them just like you are, champ.
So endorsing a fascists doesn’t make you fascist? And I only called Trump and Rogan a fascist. Is that “everyone?”
Lol, what a baby. And I’m a maga douchebag for pointing out that Joe Rogan is a fascist? You really are a huge baby.
Endorsing a fascist makes you a fascist, champ.
Keep crying about imaginary internet points, too.
Except he still endorsed him. The mental gymnastics you guys are pulling is seriously pathetic.
One episode I watched he was even calling out Trump and saying he didn’t want him on the show.
Except he brought him on and endorsed him. He’s not a moderate he’s a mouthpiece for MAGA.
And endorsed a fascist don’t forget that.
Talk about an oxymoron.
Probably not. The dipshit loves bragging about everything.
Oh I know, I’m just tired of this stupid fuck.
Oh, stfu dude. You clearly don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Your ignorance is showing.
These fucks are getting ready to whore this country out.
Cry some more you old bitch.
This is like the 5th time this is posted, bro.
This is what happens when you pussyfoot consequences.
Dems better be ready to challenge every single one of those orders just like the GOP did with Biden. But I’m not holding my breath, especially with an illegitimate Supreme Court.