Andrew Fucking Wakefield can never suffer enough for everything he’s responsible for
Andrew Fucking Wakefield can never suffer enough for everything he’s responsible for
Not sure I’ve ever even met anyone who’d care if Northern Ireland split off. Maybe some Rangers fans?
There were literally decades of violence and terrorism over that, so clearly someone cares.
That being said, But then I’m Welsh and live in England, I do not have a horse in this race. If the people in NI want to unify with Ireland and regain all their EU citizenship benefits as well as removing the whole “Northern Ireland border issue”, then I wouldn’t blame them at all.
Maybe I should at least reserve my real name on it…
*gets asked for mobile number
Nope, don’t care that much.
Oh, 100% agree. I was just answering the prompt “What do you think history textbooks will say 50 years from now?” in the most depressing way possible. I do not endorse Trump, Fascism or anything that will lead to a dystopian future.
I got fucking chills the first time I realised who he was. Then his total change of demeanour, then when he finally said his name. Ooh. 2007. What a time to be alive.
“And that was the beginning of the reign of the immortal God-emperor Trump (praise him!)”
I really liked ’the Fam’. It was a nice change of dynamic from previous (usually) single companions. And different from the Amy and Rory relationship too - grandfather/grandson and Ryan not being romantically involved with Yaz just felt different.
Plus they were all good fun and bounced well off The Doctor in their different ways.
And Jodie Whitaker was a great Doctor too. While I won’t try and defend every idea in every episode, we needed the change of pace from a decade of Moffat and Segun Akinola’s music was also excellent.
Thirteen gave me what I wanted out of a Doctor when she left - the desire for just a bit more time with her.
My favourite Doctor is:
Whoever is currently playing The Doctor
Paul McGann (the film wasn’t great but he was, and I wish we’d seen more of him than one mini episode and a quick cameo…)
If there is a god, north america must have been cursed by them.
I can’t possibly imagine why…
It’s the ciiiiiiiiiircle of lif *gets eye scratched out
And I feel bad for those of them that didn’t vote Tory in the last couple of elections and didn’t vote for Brexit. The rest of them were turkeys voting for Christmas and the fact that they’re surprised about this means they’ll probably vote Tory next time too and think their problems are still due to immigrants…
Not to exclusively blame them, of course. Tory scum are the root of all the problems and the sooner we take them out and shoot them, the better for everyone.
Fugu. I’m far too much of a coward to try it normally.
More likely the D&D/fantasy version. Harry Potter called them “horcruxes”. Keep your soul in a box and whatever happens to your body, you can’t truly die.
But I didn’t know they were based on Jewish mythology, so thanks for that TIL!
How do we stop Iran killing their own citizens? I know, we kill them first! I are very smart!
I’d assume they were still called “Woody” and “Buzz”…
Nah, cows can’t move that fast.
They can’t fly either…
Ahahahahahaaha. Hahaha. Haha. Ah.
If your state doesn’t have concealed or open carry laws, you can still ‘bear arms’ by having them at home and transporting them in proper cases, correct? So this isn’t paywalling the right to own guns, just the right to take them around with you like a murdery little comfort blanket.
For certain crimes I’d be OK with it provided you can prove with 100% certainty that they are guilty. Not ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ or any other legal terminology. If there is any chance at all that they might be innocent, you cannot execute them.
But they’d have to be people who are dangerous to the rest of society, completely unrepentant and ideally having been through the rehabilitation process unsuccessfully before. You know the type. Those that don’t want to change. Those that even in prison are a danger to others.
Off the top of my head I can’t think of anyone over the last decade who’d meet that criteria, and in general terms I think I judge a society without the death penalty as more civilised than one that does condone the state killing it’s own citizens.
So while in theory I’d be OK with it, it’s safer for it not to be a tool available. When you have a hammer, every problem starts looking like a nail etc.
Plus the general public are absolutely not to be trusted with it, and I can’t imagine the sort of pressure that might be put on judges in high profile cases. Better for it not to be an option.