“Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” Dr. Ian Malcolm
“Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” Dr. Ian Malcolm
Really!? Lame attack to try to redirect anger away from the multiple scandals and the carbon tax debacle. Oh and this “Rural Economic Development Minister Gudie Hutchings says if Western and Prairie provinces want to secure carve-outs in the federal government’s carbon pricing policy, they should elect more Liberal ministers who can share their concerns with the government.” - ctvnews.
Good luck doggo! Have fun in retirement!
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are we gonna build it outta snow?
Aliens are made of wet toilet paper? Galactic conquest will be easier for humans than I initially thought. PREPARE THE GENERATION SHIPS!
China is trying to big dick around the Pacific
They’re called speed bumps!
Anyone who believes this is dumb
The other name for that is Commissar… Commissar Biscuit is not impressed by your anti-work heresy. Blam!
Pope Puurban II
You know, a family tradition
I read the narrator line in a Morgan Freeman voice. He is the one I want to narrate me, him or the wild life guy.
I ran it on a Lenovo x200 with libreboot and had no issues, mind you this was only a couple years ago I made the switch. Before that the laptop had debian on it.
I find freebsd worked really well for me and it was a really easy transition from Linux. I still did most things GUI as I am still relearning command line (my preferred method). I got everything to function out of the box on a laptop that had a free/libre bios (libreboot). I don’t game on it, I use it primarily for emails, documents, browsing, etc. I was tired of distro hopping and decided to try something completely new.
Edit: NetBSD can pretty much run on anything. Openbsd is a very secure system.
people actually use i2p?