Wollt’s schon sagen, hier ist ja richtig Stimmung in der Bude!
Finde das nach mehrfachem Hören immer besser. Könnte auch von Lagwagon sein.
Technisch wirklich gut, das könnte man sich auch gut ohne die Message anhören. Hat für mich schon fast Systemabsturz - Verdächtig Niveau.
Wie Heidegger schon gesagt hat: Kunst ist ein Rätsel.
There is also Epiphany. browser with the webkit engine.
Wenn die Katzenminze richtig knallt
I can’t just stop laughing uncontrollably Hahahaha
Can’t stop laughing staring at the UKIP logo on that thing
Latest NewPipe 0.27.2 installed from F-Droid is able to play videos for me. But you might also try PipePipe or Tubular, which I mostly use these days.
I’m using LibreWolf with uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger and NoScript where I selectively allow scripts and I never got an ad served on YT
The best part:
The Hecht Museum in Haifa told the BBC the crockery dated back to the Bronze Age between 2200 and 1500BC - and was a rare artefact because it was so intact.
The boy’s father Alex said they will feel “relieved” to see the jar restored but added they are “sorry” because “it will no longer be the same item”.
Man. Shit happens!
I also like “I procured”…
This thread has now accrued over 1100 comments in only 2 days. That makes it the most commented thread in Lemmy history, so far. How did this gain so much traction in such a short time?
Vom Regen in die Traufe…