That moment when you look around for the most competent person, and come the sad conclusion that it’s you
That moment when you look around for the most competent person, and come the sad conclusion that it’s you
Model split also has it’s downsides. For example:
Not every trip is the same in every country. Denmark commutes 22km on average, the Netherlands does 3km
Not every country travels as far. Someone who does 10km by train out of 100km has a much greater share than 20km out of 10.000.
Also, the price point determines the sort of people looking at your add
Choice can’t exist without information. If you know nothing, you can’t chose. If two doors are perfectly the same, it’s not a choice. If you have no information on either path in the forest, you’re not really choosing.
Brakes cost money
Only half? They must have taken some impressive anti-corruption measures to get it down.
Wait, my memory says you flap your hair with your hands. Is it really ear stroking?
while it still has the Elon bad bias
So does reality, I wonder what causes it.
Meanwhile, basically every Dutch students “dates” by bike, and most of London dates via the Underground.
That sounds like a pretty massive loophole…
A lot can be legal if you agree to it. But they absolutely can’t unilaterally declare this rule into effect.
Just don’t pay, what are they gonna do? Sue you for damages that they admit themselves can’t prove?
Because theyre either lying about, or blissfully unaware of their own shortcoming.
Or they work in sales.
Pretty sure that’s not how consulates work…
“being mean to scabs is, itself, doing work.”
Volunteer work is also work, and I’ll gladly do this for free.
and should totally be done this time around.
Even if it gets resolved right now, we should still land a C130 in a stadium, just because.
A lot of the issues you mention are, at least in part, caused by not dying. For example, I’ve got asthma, but without bronchodialators I wouldn’t be an asthma patient, I’d just be dead. Another is better diagnosis, melanoma are much easier to identify nowadays, and we actually do diagnosis. If you look at old death reports, they contain a LOT of “sickness of the X” or “natural causes” for people in their early 60s.
Oh absolutely, in the grand scheme of how fucked humanity is, most chemicals are barely a blip compared to ecosystem collapse and global warming.
I know it looks like this sometimes, but it’s really not all that bad.
I’m a chemist, I work mostly in (workplace) safety, hazardous materials and waste, so I sorta-kinda know what I’m talking about. I’m also a random internet stranger, so definitely check my data for yourself.
Compared to 50 or 60 years ago, when we had leased gasoline, asbestos carpets, ashtrays at macdonalds, trash burning in cities, indoor gas/oil lamps, coal heaters and pewter/lead cups (well ok, not those last ones but you get the idea), we’re doing SO much better.
If we didn’t ban all those things, you literally wouldn’t be able to spot the problems coming from BPA. It would be lost in the noise from how bad all those other things are for your health.
That’s not to say we should ignore microplastics, or that they’re healthy, or that modern people are whiny babies. Absolutely not. BPA is absolutely bad for you, but it’s more of a “dog biting your hand” type of bad, as opposed to the “bear mauling your face” level of bad we had in the 60s and 70s. Both can kill you, but you’ll barely notice the dog while having your face mauled.
Correct. Giving meaningful choices is hard.