Someone else said The Argument Clinic and that is definitely my favorite.
But my most referenced is “And now for something completely different.”
Someone else said The Argument Clinic and that is definitely my favorite.
But my most referenced is “And now for something completely different.”
Argument clinic is what I was going to choose haha
With an honorable mention for Train to Busan
Legend of the Drunken Master
Princess Mononoke
✋ yes hello. I did cup stacking for a unit in middle school gym class. It was very bizarre.
I too just finished a ttrpg game. We’re playing Pathfinder 2e, but today was our last session of the campaign. My character and another died during the big boss fight but what the remaining two characters did was so beautiful, so now I’m weepy and sad in a bittersweet way.
As others have commented, it could be a discriminatory thing you’re stepping yourself into.
For example, what about dyslexics, or those with ADHD who can’t focus on books but enjoy coding or other sci fi media?
You do you, ultimately, but using that as a qualifying factor when hiring feels like a slippery slope.
Walking. I have a severe lung condition, so walking with people is really embarrassing still. I either have to explain that I’m slow or I am a panting, sweaty mess.
I have a girl friend who has some of the loudest shits. They rival dad shits. It always impresses me because I’m still pretty shy about loo tooting.
Zen coin flip.
Assign the faces to whichever choice at the time. Flip the coin. If you don’t like the result and would rather do the other, then do the other. If you really don’t care between them, then do the one it lands on.
Of course with equal weight items, not like “heads, I get to sleep and jerk off all day, tails I go to work”.
I played the demo and gosh this is a difficult game. Good fun though
Mine is that if you’ve been cold all day, go take a hot shower But maybe a minute before you’re about to step out, turn the water cold and step in for at least thirty seconds. Then, when you turn off the water and open the curtains, it doesn’t feel cold. Everything feels warm relative to your skin.
Thirty seconds of suffering is worth the cozy warmth of stepping out of the shower. But my friends all think I’m insane for even suggesting that. It’s a bit controversial.
I watched The Princess and the Frog for I think the first time since it came out.
It was really lovely and sincere in a lot of ways that I feel like I haven’t seen lately. Although, like many Disney movies, I feel like everything moves too fast in terms of falling in love and big plot elements, etc. But I understand why it’s done like that.
Still, very good movie. 8/10 for me
Bring back Army of Two lol
Looks like you’re getting mostly advice, so I have some questions
How much did you watch YT before? I don’t mean that to sound snarky, just curious.
What are you looking forward to watching on the other video apps?
I’m MOVING. I hate moving typically, but this is a fresh start for me and it feels so good. It’s like taking the first step into the sun after a long cold winter. Proud of me and my journey to self respect.
Omg. Yes. I heard the word “Hegemony” out loud recently and it was like a new world was born of only that word for at least a few days
I tend to have my players interact with women or NBs because I’m self conscious about doing voices for men. But I’ve found that I definitely have some internal biases when it comes to certain things. Guard captains are almost always male, hospitality industry is usually female, etc etc.
Always trying to be aware of that and challenge those biases.
Another good question is about age, too. It seems like almost everyone is in the 20-40s range because that’s easier. But it’s a lot of fun to throw different age groups out there.
I’ve passed the third section and moved into the fourth, horrible section. “Diagnosed ADHD but no medication will work.”