Everyone is dissatisfied with the greens but it’s everyone but the greens fault somehow. What’s the point of having them in coalition when this type of shit keeps happening despite them?
They could have blocked the destruction of a 250 year old forest in Hesse and they didn’t. They sat on the sidelines while cops kicked the shit out of climate protesters in Lüzerath. They’re a fucking joke. If the FDP finance minister wants to reject building chips for cars, then let him? Don’t let them use the KTF as a fucking slush fund.
They’re politically inept. Anything they can do they half ass or don’t so they don’t make people mad, and anything they want to do are half measures that get blocked anyway. They’re one foot in and one foot out to try to appeal to as many people as possible and end up pleasing no one as a result and are now hemorrhaging votes. If they would have taken as hardline of a stance on actual climate issues as they took on supporting Ukraine, they would have actually appealed to youth voters instead of repulsing them with their appeasement. Baerbock has even said they will support Ukraine even if it becomes unpopular, so why don’t they apply the same standards to other existential crises in the same way?
Their conciliation is damaging to their brand as well as the environment. They need to do better, and I don’t think I’m alone at all in feeling that way as evidenced by their abysmal polling.