It truly is a stochastic parrot, and you can spot the style it has been trained on.
It truly is a stochastic parrot, and you can spot the style it has been trained on.
It’s all about being comfortable with not knowing when you need to act. Believing that you can learn everything upfront is pure hubris, and once you hurt yourself enough times, you just drop the pretense.
In other words, life is Bayesian, not frequentist.
It’s not about business optimization, it’s about not having to defer to someone’s knowledge from the position of power.
AI bubble makes so much sense when you start looking at it this way.
I can often implement 80% of a new feature without ever running the code.
I really love how they then go and invent their own TDD acronym to justify this. Types are proofs, and they replace a whole category of borderline superficial tests with useful assertions, but claiming that you implement a <random number>% of a feature when you haven’t once verified it is… a reason I regularly cuss at code and remain employable. Keep it up.
Gl.iNet is a great value router, but if you want to do anything really interesting, it won’t do.
I have Slate AX chugging along, and have been eyeing teklager boxes to do actual routing, with slate as an access point.
As an aside, idealistic free market is impossible to achieve without regulation. At the very least, contracts need to be enforced. Free market also demands price forming to happen through bids on the market, needing protection from extra-market negotiations. As an elastic system, it can also be broken by a concerted application of force and needs protection from such actions.
Whatever is being sold as free market sounds like a myth at best.
PS: Coop corporations should really become the norm. Trickle up systems create concentrations of power by design, and concentration of power is how you stretch elastic system beyond its deformation limits.
“Permaban” is the word you’re looking for.
While HTML is hypertext markup language, hypertext is not HTML.
Hypertext doesn’t imply a specific encoding strategy, it implies semantics - data contains links to related data. If you want to encode it in protobufs - you do you, REST explicitly calls for freedom in this regard.
To paraphrase yourself, ranting about HTML as if it was a requirement for REST is ridiculous and misses the point entirely.
PS: HTML is not a protocol.
A cargo cult doesn’t change airplanes by building mock runways - they rather miss the point entirely.
You don’t need to have kids to pass on values. The basic premise of your statement doesn’t hold up.
“No data” on Greenland is a perfect touch.
By February, Ukraine is gone. They already struggle not to win, but just to exist. European aid is not enough, and Ukraine will disappear from maps. The Baltics are next. Moldova is next. Poland is next. Georgia is next. Finland is next. Taiwan is gone. South Korea might survive, but won’t ever look the same. NATO is gone. Chinese and ruzzian influence in Africa and South America will grow tenfold. There is no superpower to keep ruzzia and china and north korea and iran in check anymore. Worst, when WWIII start, you will be on the Axis side.
All of that is a win for them. They are not leftist, they are autocratic revanchists. Hurting undesirables was always more important to them than helping others or even themselves, it’s just the definition of “undesirables” that they disagree on with far right.
Most QA titles have very little to do even with QA itself. If QA doesn’t start at ideation, you’re not doing QA.
That last bit sounds like a bold “yet”, to be honest.
Stalin, too. And it was true.
Which angers me as a Ukrainian. Yes, circumstances are different and I despise misinformation coming from a loudly obnoxious subset of pro-Palestinian side, but Israel officials had been clearly stating genocidal intent from the early days.
When picking which genocide to support, the correct answer is „none”. But support for Israel kinda aligns with „Russia cannot lose” approach, so I guess things are consistent in that regard.
Proceeds to describe a task average users never perform.
And no, you having been a smart child doesn’t excuse you being an obtuse adult.