I’m happy that forums are making a come back. Missed visiting all my early forums, in my early Internet days.
I’m happy that forums are making a come back. Missed visiting all my early forums, in my early Internet days.
Currently making the comment to state I am from a GDPR protected country, I am going to screenshot it and see if it changes again.
Yep you have the right to delete your data.
Literally checked mine this morning and their back after I deleted them yesterday. Even checked a second device to make sure they where deleted.
I deleted all my comments yesterday… Now the comments are back today… I live in a GDPR protected country so jokes on them I guess. So shady though.
I have deleted all my comment’s spez had made the platform impossible for me to return to with his coward behaviour. “Answered” 14 questions, then stopped answering and ran off to the press, he’s a coward.
There is no way I’m going back to Reddit, the higher ups are greedy and scummy people. Hope the moderator’s they change to end up creating a toxic cess pool and bring them down with it.
+1 for Standard Notes it’s brilliant!