This was my favorite of these. I’m a sucker for any story about a low-tech world in a space faring age, the contrast is always wonderful and though-provoking.
This was my favorite of these. I’m a sucker for any story about a low-tech world in a space faring age, the contrast is always wonderful and though-provoking.
In terms of Lemmy, I’m just on Lemmy.world, I have no real reason to sign up for something else. I’m also on Mastodon, though.
They’ve been investing way more in gaming lately, but I imagine their long-term plan involves setting up Apple Arcade as a premium brand for high-end titles in a way that might be undermined by promoting their “competition” now. Like if Apple promoted a lot of shows that were available on iTunes shortly before launching Apple TV+. No idea, though, I’m just wildly speculating.
Frankly, I really miss the Reddit of ten years ago, so this is great. Outside of fruitlessly pursuing infinite growth, none of the additions or changes to the site since then have improved it.
After beating Final Fantasy XVI I resubscribed to FFXIV and played the latest patch’s story updates. It’s interesting to go back to XIV after playing what feels in many ways like it’s successor. XVI has problems, but they’re the a subset problems that XIV has, and it shores up so much. My main thing is the almost complete lack of engaging combat scenarios in XIV’s MSQ. There’s so much fun in the endgame that it’s hard to complain too much, but I hope they fix that in Dawntrail.
My comments are appearing, but I usually have to refresh the post. I hope it’s something that jldawson can fix on the app’s side.
You can still say that about AI. What people are calling “AI” now is closer to Cleverbot than true AGI.
I’m definitely going to be using it more often. The official Reddit app is so bad that Sync being for something else is enough to make me move.
It has ads unless you pay to remove the ads, which is a perfectly reasonable model for an app to use.
You know when you see a game that doesn’t interest you in the slightest but you know will make a billion dollars? I’m feeling that.
I really appreciate how you structured these rules. Simple enough to remember, sensible enough to keep the conversation clean. Moderator discretion can be frustrating, but it’s a lot better than finding out that your post got deleted because it didn’t fit some arcane law that was hidden away on a sixth-layer wiki page.
Good implementations of Denuvo have such a minimal impact on the quality of the game experience that I tend towards optimism when I hear this kind of news. That said, bad implementations of Denuvo cripple the game in a way that previous horrible DRM schemes could only dream of. I’m not planning on playing Payday 3 (I never had any fun with 1 or 2), but I hope that this is the former situation for its fans.
This is great. Love using this again. Thanks!
Honestly, yeah, a big part of why I started using Lemmy is that the Sync developer moved to developing a Lemmy app. I’m still active on Reddit, I’m using both, but as soon as Sync for Lemmy comes out and I can uninstall that absolutely cursed official Reddit app I’ll be here WAY more often.
No, of course not. If you’re using Lemmy as a “protest” instead of thinking that it’s a better platform, it’s totally ineffectual and you’ll go back to using Reddit sooner or later. Personally, I think that the fediverse is a more compelling idea than the traditional internet, so I’m sticking with Lemmy for a bit in one form or another.
Cool. Great, even. Man, we’re fucked.
TÁR is maybe the most recent great movie, and it’s absolutely a product of its time. You could tell a story about abusive, manipulative people in the past, but the specific way that her story spirals out of control over the course of the film (and the way that it reflects the culture around her) could only have been told recently. It’s really gripping stuff.
Screens, realistically. I know that it’s a “soft” addiction and nowhere near as serious as a substance, but going even five minutes without pulling at my phone, using a computer, or watching a TV starts tugging at my brain. That’s something you develop as a kid and I don’t see myself fixing it unless I totally “detox.”
I’m not opposed to this, though I generally think that the move towards awards overcomplicated the site. It was better when it was just Gold and there was a simple tracker to say how many days of server time had been paid for.
I like the idea of federated social media platforms conceptually, but ai absolutely want to make my home on the largest instances. That’s just an artifact of how I use social media, though, I always gravitate towards the busiest platforms because interacting with so many people is the real joy of it.