Oh certainly, but it’d be better if they weren’t, or more if the CCP wasn’t keeping that labor as cheap as possible to poach manufacturing from countries that at least act like they have regulations and standards.
KIA’s reasoning for not bringing this to the US was the Inflation Reduction Act’s EV credits that incentivize US manufacturing.
Of course then you have to have that giant corporation “inflation tax margin” and everything just has to suck in different ways for everyone.
You’re ascribing a lot of emotional baggage to what I typed on my phone while pedaling a stationary bike that doesn’t exist.
I’m not here to argue the finer points of plot holes in these productions that have been under spotlights for years and detailed far better by people with enough time to make hundreds of videos on the subjects like Robert Meyer Burnett, Nitpicking Nerd, and Red Letter Media.
If you enjoy these shows, fantastic, more power to you. Just don’t tell me they’re amazingly well-made and just as good as previous incarnations of Star Trek when they can and have been analyzed ad nauseam, displaying exactly how they aren’t.