RiotDoll [she/her, she/her]

Woo Fool

  • 38 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • it’s not for lack of trying, but the far right doesn’t deal with wreckers and state interference to the same degree the left does.

    the left is also less willing to abuse human psychology to get people under the banner.

    we can be like them, but we have to start getting left wing sympathetic people on board with things that traditionally the left finds abhorrent in this country.

    A lot of little and big rubicons to cross culturally before we can have organizing like that.

    specifically about the use of force and discipline around organizing. people need to accept enough hierarchy to be able to take orders, to be willing to do what it takes to keep your movement and your comrades safe.

    acceptance that we’ve been at war for decades now, but haven’t been acting like it. It’s time to treat this like war and i think a lot of leftists are still not there in the USA w/r/t accepting that.

  • Do you think so? I think what we are internally isn’t fully dependent on memory and reference, there is some element of us that just is, for at least as long as we’re alive. Behind your eyes and resting within your interior is a spark of something that has existed continuously since you were born, that little “I” of awareness may never change.

    It’s always you imo. You can go through mk ultra style brainwashing, lose your sense of identity, find yourself under a new name and with new interests, but between who you were and who you are, are enough commonalities that I would dispute the notion we’re just electrical signals in wet gooey meat endlessly referencing the past to navigate the present and anticipate the future - but that’s me.

  • It’s weird to only be involved exoterically on this site i guess is one way to put it? I really don’t wade into drama threads, i don’t exist in the deeper social network here. I just browse the pages, and the closest thing to drama I indulge in is like, when someone from a lemmy instance with liberal brain rot wades in and demands group humiliation from us.

    I can tell it’s impacting the user base, and the activity level, and I do want to ask the mods what’s going on in the back end? Because the number of drama bombs going off behind the scenes that leaks out into the instance as a whole is probably beyond what’s necessary - this shouldn’t be happening like this y’all.

    Like, to me an ideal mod-admin cadre exists to facilitate discussion inside some parameters, like a set of rules and conventions for behavior. Hexbear is leftist, and has a sizeable contingent of serious leftists, so I understand that comes with some of the tensions these spaces have in real life, and is prone to wrecking and power tripping and all that stuff - I think leftists expect some of that.

    But it’s happening an awful lot, and it’s fucking things up - so structurally something should probably change, I just can’t comment on specifics. I am just certain that unity of intention and purpose, and being even handed and consistent with enforcement does prevent a lot of what’s happening. The fat-phobia stuff should not be happening, and it didn’t need to go this far. I am transfemme and I have traumatic history with cis men and toxic masculinity - i struggle to be nice about men to be very delicate about it - but some of what flies here is just toxic to a healthy community in that regard. I say that with the hopeful understanding that as a transfemme woman I really do not want any cis men coddled over their identity and perceived oppression, but it still gets kinda wack here in that regard.

    If this site wants to go that direction, i even think that would be fine, but consistency and, again, not letting drama be aired like, on the main page, is important because it’s the kind of drama that makes people nope out, and regardless of merit, that shit kills the site, and i don’t think hexbear deserves that as a place or community.

    I’m gonna try to limit this post to all I say on this. I generally like the moderation and administration here - but something is clearly wrong, and some kind of overhaul in hierarchy, vetting, and autonomy needs to be reviewed.