Before I moved I used to use my web server.
My Domain . Com / files . Zip And I would set a password on the zip. After they download it, they tell me and I remove the file.
Before I moved I used to use my web server.
My Domain . Com / files . Zip And I would set a password on the zip. After they download it, they tell me and I remove the file.
Usually you pull the knob and it is removed. But being that old it might be stuck or break, but it’s also strange if it was just removed recently. Maybe she needs to pry it on both sides at the same time?
Also tell her to barely tighten those screws. They were too tight and the heat/cold changes was enough to crack it.
deleted by creator
Firefox focus plays without ads
First step is to gather sticks under the bushes.
Start a fire using paper, newspaper, cardboard, then add sticks and make a larger fire.
Heat up water until boiling.
Add tea bags to thermos and pour the water inside. Now we have 2 days worth of hot tea.
Optional delicious step: pop popcorn
My plans fell through.
I planned to buy a large item from far away (6 hours round trip).
I had a trailer hitch going to be delivered yesterday.
In preparation I went to town, bought a trailer and went to the DMV and registered it and have temp license plate. (Trailer is at store with “sold” sign).
I took apart my car (I removed the tail lights, bumper cover, bumper, and wired up the trailer wires) but then UPS “the street number is incorrect” and they didn’t deliver.
Now I’m stranded here with a car that’s taken apart, with no hitch and it’s too late for me to get the item I really wanted with the trailer this weekend as they close in a few hours and tomorrow they are closed sundays, and I have visitors coming Monday.
I guess I can stay home and clean the house…
Life has its ups and downs. When you have pain, you’re in the down. Look forward to the up at some point after.
I have Starlink, I stopped paying when Elon did the nazi solute. Now I’m on phone data that barely plays 360p video, but I’m happy as can be not giving a nazi money.
It was aliens
We do have permission to build our house like this. I have to give them updates every 6 months. Not many places where they allow this.
The first little piggy had a tent as an outhouse, but it didn’t hold up to the wind.
The second little piggy had a metal outhouse… will it last?
Just added the wood shelving yesterday.
Building a house out of dirt is the only way I will ever own a house. I knew this for the past 20 years.
Just a few months ago I moved into my car, moved off grid, and started to build. At the moment we have a bit of land cleared, a septic system, and we have a water tank.
These are the bags we will fill with dirt to make the walls. Once it’s build the dirt walls will keep the house comfortable year around (no need for heating or AC)
This is how the bags will look when we start making them.
It’s also crazy how I was able to buy and own an excavator for about what 2 months of rent would have been if I didn’t move. Living in the car saved a ton of money. But now we have a $3,000 RV to live in as we build a dirt house.
I think he means that he paid for it, but never truly owns it when your forced to pay tax or they take your house away.
SSSniperwolf. All I know is she steals people videos, does dumb reactions, and gets tons of views. She does not have the rights to use those videos, but profits so much off others work. I do not think she even links to the sources. (I could be wrong)
They broke a promise and they broke my heart 💔💔💔
At that point, retro gaming is where it’s at, or piracy, or board games, basically ANYTHING else is better than that.
Sadly it does feel we are very close to this… 😢
I use immich and can search, makes it super easy.
Back in the day those websites used to be free. It was basically like a phone book but online. Hit or miss if they found the correct person or anyone at all.
Years later I noticed when they did that fake search and 100% turn off. Never paid them and never will with that sketchy slow fake search.