How many wars has Israel started with Palestine versus how many wars has Palestine and Co started with them?
How many wars has Israel started with Palestine versus how many wars has Palestine and Co started with them?
And yet the Palestinian population grows each year.
??? I’m an atheist lol.
Let me ask you though, is it okay killing toddlers regardless of which side does it?
If the British owned the land in that time how are Palestinians claim to the land valid?
You can write total novels of nonsense we don’t even need AI.
Your revisionist history is laughable, I suggest you learn about the actual history of the region and what you’re claiming being complete and utter nonsense. Beyond the fact Israelis have holy sites predating Palestinians, beyond the fact Palestine has lost multiple wars over the area, beyond the fact they agreed to a 2 state solution in the 90s then reneged and attacked Israel, beyond the fact they elect a genocidal government that will only bring themselves ruin, beyond all that to your last point, you are correct. When you cut toddlers throats and rape Innocents who have NO SLIGHTS AGAINST YOU, film it for fun plus have genocide as your prime governmental policy I give 0 shits about your plight regardless of what pushed you there. You deserve to get pushed around by the people you have a desire to wipe off the face of this Earth. To quote the bible, “live by the sword, die by the sword.”
Well they fucked around and found out. Start a war and lose and your people get displaced, boo hoo.
Clearly Palestine. They’re the ones with a government they elected that literally put “destroy all Jews” in their founding charter.
I’m simply applying the logic the Palestinians apply. There were ruins of a 2000 year old Jewish temple and a 1500 year old mosque in the region. Guess which one is older. I’d also feel more empathy for the apartheid conditions if Palestinians would stop electing a political group who’s stated goals are the deaths of every Jewish person. And as I said it’s comical you keep saying I support apartheid policies by simply stating killing, raping, torturing, kidnapping, and forcing innocent people to be used as human shields is fucking wrong and deplorable no matter what side does it. If Ukraine starts liquidating Russian cities and raping, torturing, kidnapping, and using innocent’s as human shields I’d say the same fucking thing to them and pull my support. If this is how Palestine wants to do things I shed no tears as they are destroyed. “By any means” works both ways.
When a huge majority support it, is it racist to say they support it?
Do they have a legal claim to it? If they stole the land it shouldn’t matter how long ago it was right? That’s the Palestinian logic I’m seeing.
Nah fam, if you want to play that game Arabs invaded Jewish communities that had settled there during the muslim conquests, that’s over 2,000 years of illegal occupation. If you’re fine with that, you should be fine with Israel taking back their land at the “edge of a sword”.
Also it’s funny to hear you say killing innocent people not involved with the conflict is “apartheid apology”
What if the bully went up to someone and said “I’m going to fucking kill you” and then tried to kill them using all means possible all because the bully and the other person exist in the same area? Only Palestine and Hamas before now were the ones saying the Jews deserved death AND acted upon it multiple times. I had sympathy for their plight until they indiscriminately killed people who had zero interaction with their problems. I’m sure those thai workers and rave tourists, massacred, raped, killed and kidnapped has a lot to do with the fucking situation between Israel and Hamas/Palestine. Israel isn’t clean, but in 1 day and 1 act became the cleaner of the 2 in non Arab public perception.
And that doesn’t change my point because even automated it takes time.
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Are they a victim of bullying when their official policy is the destruction of their neighbors culture?
It still takes time to download things, data only moves so fast and not everyones internet is the same.
cease to exist
If they won’t give up their genocidal ideas they deserve to cease to exist. ignoring also the 2 state solution proposed many times that is ALWAYS turned down by Palestine. Funny how that works aint it?
BTW this is taken directly from the founding charter of HAMAS, “our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious” and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories, and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel."
Or are you referencing aldnoah zero and heavens fall?
??? Lovely analogy except Americans were British people so the colonies went from British owned to British owned under a different government lol.
The more apt analogy would be the Indians and Manifest Destiny Or still different but pretty similar Texas and Mexico. But what can I expect from someone like you.