There isn’t going to be a document written by either organisation that says “we did it.” Even if they did, it would’ve been a tight group that decided it had to happen and nothing would’ve been written down.
There isn’t going to be a document written by either organisation that says “we did it.” Even if they did, it would’ve been a tight group that decided it had to happen and nothing would’ve been written down.
Good luck America, the lunatics are running the asylum and that’s not going to be good for anyone.
He shouldn’t have been allowed to run until all outstanding criminal litigation was completed, and any punishment served/paid.
It’s called hedging your bets.
It’s going to end up like razor blades, eventually someone will make a phone with 5 screens.
I remember the fear mongering of the Cold War, the ozone layer depleting, and the AIDS epidemic.
Times were simpler back then, but I don’t think they were necessarily better.
The eggs look good, but I’m not sure I’d want to start my day by consuming half a kilo of meat.
Like I needed another reason not to vote Liberal.
Banking with CBA is like staying with an abusive spouse, they may apologise for hurting you, but they will do it again.
I don’t see it as a bad thing, if they ask me to verify my age via a driver’s license I’ll just delete my account, none of them are that important that I would give them a copy of my identification.
Why aren’t the UN airdropping supplies?
The UN really is a useless institution, if it can’t pull countries into line or at the very least aid the innocent, what’s the fucken point of it?
Instead of Waco, Texas it will be Wacko, Texas.
No, Jellyfin has a server backend which manages the media and serves it up to the client frontends which support most modern operating systems like Windows, Linux and Android. See https://jellyfin.org/ for details.
I’d ditch the HTPC, and go for an Android based media player like the Shield, no moving parts, no keyboard/mouse and rarely requires an update. Had a HTPC for many years and anytime I wanted to watch something I had to mess about with it first before it would play.
I was a long time Kodi user from back when it was called XBMC.
About 5 years ago I got tired of messing about with managing media, editing config files and installing addons. Moved to Emby first, and now I am on Jellyfin. No media management required, the backend server does it all for me and the front end is great, never gives me any problems and plays everything. I run the front end on multiple Nvidia Shields with no performance issues.
I’d manage your media better with movies and TV in separate parent folders and not all mixed together. When you setup Jellyfin, you point it at a folder and tell it what media type it is. Mixing up different media types in the same folder structure just makes things harder than they need to be for no gain.
Hypocrites. What about returning Tibet to Tibetans?
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck…
I think we are past the tipping point now, it’s downhill from here and what we do to reduce carbon emissions will only determine how fast we go down that hill.
A panda at Singapore zoo.
They don’t, but irritatingly, when one of its accessories are on sale Steam will pitch it to me.
While what you say is likely, if Iran was to do that, Israel would turn Tehran into a giant night light.
Escalating to nuclear weapons in any form would be madness for either side.