Green energy/tech reporter, burner, raver, graphic artist and vandweller.
We can certainly accept other failures in the franchise as well as this one. I’ll just link Shives.
This shit is precisely why I chose homelessness. Fees upon fees, including, I shit you not, a fee for compiling all the fees and then another one for mailing it out, which exceeded printing and mailing costs and wasn’t optional.
You can only push people so far. And now that no one feels they have job security and many are opting not to have kids, further destabilizing housing is not going to have the effect our keepers want.
Actually, I’m going to continue. Because of base fees for electricity, I was paying $3/kWh. There’s not a decimal missing, nor is there an incorrect unit. Natural gas was an additional $30/month for my first therm.
Add it all up, and the rack rate of $1,150 meant $1,500 before I used anything. Fine, if I’m making the inflation adjusted wages someone in my field with my level of experience would make, but that’s not fucking happening for anyone.
Shit, that actually works better than I thought. 🤣
Cool. Going to keep going hard for cirrhosis.
Perhaps amusing among all of us here, but that will not effect change.
This is about nothing more than artificial scarcity that is now fucked, and rich dudes aren’t happy.
This is what monopoly sounds like when it’s dying. I frankly prefer Simon & Garfunkel.
Yeah, but have you seen how many steps it takes in Factorio to have usable aluminum?
No, they do that at school without parental consent.
I mean, that’s a very valid point. She still wears it eight years after the divorce because her “neck felt wrong without it.”
I need de beers to stay sane right now.
“You’re Celestial to me, but I couldn’t wait any longer.”
You just know there are going to be proposals with 5090s.
I went with a 1kg collar last time, so I’m likely a terrible person to ask. Wasn’t my intent, but it turns out that much steel is really heavy.
What a time to be alive … diamond prices are crashing while GPUs keep getting more expensive.
It’s absolutely crazy that anyone could describe this sermon as “nasty.” This is about as close to Jesus’ teachings as one can possibly get, and I fled Catholicism for “none of the above” in seventh grade.
If you want to experience it again, I found the video. This is “I Have a Dream” level shit. And it impresses me that she refers to recent events, because this was either a while in the making or she was just in the flow zone writers can get into when inspired.
Frankly, if these were the Christian teachings being followed, we’d have a wildly different society. She stood there for 15 minutes and did the only thing a reasonable person does with a pulpit: speak truth to power with compassion.
I promise this will turn out to be remembered if we still have books after the world burns.
The absurd irony that Navajos are being rounded up as immigrants by White people who stole their land is … I have no words.
No man is an island.
I left for the final time in 2014, after the job market required me to rejoin just to get an interview. You shouldn’t have to sell data to a company to get a job. That we have normalized this is worrisome.