Do you really think that’s how it’d go down? You might want to rethink that one.
Do you really think that’s how it’d go down? You might want to rethink that one.
Except for the lazy ones.
Thats like saying kevin is 300 lbs because he is efficient, not lazy.
So they’re going to vote for Trump? Trump is a very strong ally to Israel. Trump certified their land grab of the golan heights. Best guess is he would certify the land grab of all of gaza
Are you fucking stupid?
What does excel and incels have in common? Confusing things for a date.
Who shit in your cheerios?
I mean, they send military aid to Israel because their neighbor wants to wipe out all jews and they send economic aid to palestine because not all of them want to kill all jews. So im not really sure who you are talking about.
The US is absolutely not sitting this one out. We are supporting our ally Israel. Just as Iran is supporting their ally Hamas.
Stop pretending this is so black and white.
People scroll past hundreds of articles a day. We gotta decide which ones are worth it.
Step 1: Title Step 2: TL DR Step 3: read
Gotta pass 1 and 2 before I get to 3. I only have so much time on my lunch break. Im not wasting it on a click bait article
People need to relate. It’s easier for the West to relate to a british person than a Palestinian person. It’s hard to relate to just Palestinian because a significant amount is a part of Hamas, and Hamas wants me dead because I am not Muslim. Hamas was democratically elected. That means a majority of Palestinians think their way is the right way. That little british-palestinian didn’t vote for Hamas. I can relate to her. It’s hard to relate to people that democratically elected a group that wants to kill me.
I agree, but you lost me at beautiful landscapes and climates. Its hot, humid, and flat. People go to Hawaii for beauiful landscapes and weather. Not Mississippi.
I hace PTSD from that one. Now another one has been added. Sometimes when I exit from driving the tank the controller doesnt stop vibrating. Not even loading a save fixes it. You have to get back in the truck.
Its weird that all the youtube people are talking about how they fixed the game. They did that a few months after the release. Now its worse than it was before the phantom liberty release
Reading this from the toilet. Will update in a few
Oh god its reddit 2013. Read the article!!! He told him to stop 3 times and moved away but the youtuber kept following him
There are lies, damn lies, and then there’s statistics.
Im not here to say the minimum wage doesnt need to be raised, because it does, but another way of putting that is
“The minimim wage has increased 1500% in 85 years.”
That sounds a lot better even though its the same thing.
VR still sucks, but didnt boats make people want to throw up. Then trains, then cars. They still do sometimes, but it’ll be worth it
Isn’t this the plot to elysium?
In all seriousness, its not impossible to go from the bottom to the top, but its definitely improbable. Anyone can do middle class. Just do middle class.
If you really want to go wild, sacrifice your pleasantries in order to save a bit and give it to your child a chance. Ill give you an example.
Jeff Bezos mother Jackie and father Tim when were 16 and 18 respectively when she was pregnant with Jeff. Jeffs first dad was a drunk asshole and they got divored. She met a Cuban Refugee named Miguel Bezos, who adopted Jeff. Jeff went and got himself into Princeton, where he graduated and started working for a financial tech company.
Now Miguel got his degree and was working for exxon. Thats how he was able to save up the $254k that he and Jackie loaned to Jeff. With that, he made an online bookstore called amazon.com. From there Jeff became the multi billionaire he is now. Oh, Jackie and Miguel got 6% each so they’re billionaires too.
Now that’s the American Dream. Even so, I think the question is, how rich is too rich?
That is correct and I misremembered. For some reason a heat death makes me think of going back to a singularity because a singularity would probably be the hottest thing ever. Ironically, a heat death would be really cold
You are correct and I misremembered it. “The Big Freeze” and “Heat Death” are the same thing. Thats when everything expands until there is no more heat.
If someone knows the correct terms for what I am talking about please let me know. Let me explain further.
What I am talking about is the opposite of heat death, which is somehow in my mind at a hot death? Basically, where everything goes back to one singularity instead of expanding forever.
It explains why the universe will have a cold death instead of a heat death.
Right now the universe is expanding and its expanding faster today than yesterday. Things could change, but current math points to a cold death
Oh, so you’re not just in a bad mood or something, you’re just stupid.