PopPrincess [she/her]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023


  • I’m mainly worried about Russia as I’ll be going to the Northern Caucasus region, possibly crossing Chechnya, so their laws could be stricter. From what I’ve read they do sometimes check luggage upon entering Chechnya and Ingushetia, so I might need to avoid going through there. I could end the trip in Vladikavkaz, but I hope to end the trip in Dagestan and fly home from there.

    Very random, but you don’t happen to know if Georgia would know if I entered Abkhazia and South Ossetia through Russia? Like if I get a new passport they wouldn’t know right? I want to avoid being banned from Georgia.

    I’ll try looking into checked luggage for the flights.

  • @[email protected] I forgot to reply😅



    I’m not sure I’d call it internalized transphobia, I’d more say it’s my subjective experience of being trans, but you are definitely right about the reverse double standard. I don’t really care about other people, but I hold myself to an impossibly high standard. Seeing it like that, the quote from your comment definitely seems like a horrible way to view myself😅, but idk I have a hard time letting myself be happy.

    My goal is basically to assimilate in cis society. The one thing I truly want is a bog-standard heterosexual monogamous relationship with a husband and to have 3-4 kids. I don’t really feel a need to engage in LGBT+ communities IRL, and I wouldn’t be able to befriend anyone there as it would hinder my goal of being stealth. But as you say, I’ve definitely seen a lot of trans people online who share my self-conceptions, but I don’t want to talk about it as I’ll usually just feel worse about myself afterwards😅

    I think I just need to log off and stop doomscrolling. Luckily the new semester has begun so I can go back to being a workaholic😍 And thank you for the consideration❤️

  • dysphoria/dating

    Idk, I guess I just don’t want to deal with any more trans issues. I hate being trans with all my being and I don’t want to be reminded of it. Also, I wouldn’t want my hatred of being trans to affect a partner of mine. Generally I suppress what is necessary to not out myself, e.g I’m slightly bisexual, but I won’t date women.

    I can definitely see how it would be nice to not have to worry about transphobia and also have an inherent understanding, but I’d prefer a partner to never bring up me being trans, I hate talking about it or being reminded of it (to such a degree that I’ve considered cutting off anyone who knows I’m trans including my family even though they are supportive)

    But idk, it’s not like I’ll completely rule out dating another trans person, but it’s unlikely due to my dysphoria and the fact that I don’t know any trans people IRL. I’ll have to see what the future brings😅

  • Yaa it’s weird, the conversation was about height and then it turned to Thailand, I don’t remember how😅


    But of course the usual came up about how you can’t know if a woman in Thailand is a woman🙄

    Then the guy I went on a date with said that being trans couldn’t be healthy because trans people have to take hormones and cut their dick off, and he was sure that trans people would at most live to 50 years of age🙄

    And then they finished off by misgendering Elon Musk’s trans daughter and saying that she fumbled the bag by disowning Elon🙄

    I honestly don’t know why it’s something that gets brought up. Like trans visibility is generally quite low here in Denmark too, but bigots gonna be bigots I guess.

  • spoiler

    Yess you get it. It feels so fucking terrible, just a big black hole in my life. Just knowing it’s impossible no matter what I do absolutely destroys me. I just find myself wondering what I’m even doing with my life, like what is the meaning of all this bullshit when I’ll never get to achieve even a fraction of my dream.

    It has also become one of the absolute worst parts of my dysphoria. I’d be able to cope with the rest of my awful body if I could at least have kids, but as it is there is no upside to this awful existence. It’s literally just misery through and through.

    I hope you are doing okay in spite of the dysphoria❤️