in Hamburg, PA
in Hamburg, PA
u/Dangerous-Pizza7054 from the article,
Seems like the user tracking “special promotion” overrides the premium. They don’t even say whether it’s expected or not. But my take away is that paying for premium may or may not show you ads, but you are definitely tracked and harvested for data. (Maybe even more so, since, well, you are more valuable to them.)
It do be like that sometimes.
PKD has a brilliant description in We Can Build You.
By not requiring an account to use, it’s already ten million times better.
Looking through the first one’s content and it seems reasonable? The patent’s abstract is supposed to be as widely applicable as legally permitted, so it’s like a completely different language on top of legalese.
PKD has a novel in the same vein:
Left arm tattoo: do you worst. Problem solved.
It’s part of Labour’s platform. Also right now, even for pubs and beer gardens, there’s a license to restrict the number of people that can smoke outdoors.
Happy [object Object] birthday!
0 * 1.25 = 0, so why not?
“You don’t need to follow anybody! You are all individuals! You are all different!”
In simplified terms, LDP is the center. Its policies span center-right and center-left. It’s basically “the government” since WW2 and swings between left and right depending on the specific PM and their faction.
In theory, methods like nightshades are supposed to poison the work such that AI systems trained on them will have their performance degraded significantly.
Encouraging. However, there seems to be a question missing in the discussion: why aren’t more people taking the reduced hour offerings?
According to the report itself, after the first stage of trial, 86% of the working population started to negotiate for reduced hours, of the people surveyed, 51% were offered reduced hours and only 14% took them. It’s an unprecedented large proportion, but still less than one would expect given the benefits. There are other factors preventing people to do so. I hope there will be a follow-up research to find out why.
So the endorsement ban publicized their stance even more widely. I don’t even know whom any other newspaper endorsed.
French Revolutions.