Is there even any government left after this?
Is there even any government left after this?
I’ve noticed that a lot of people are just really bad in using the right searching terms, and then quickly shifting through all the info to find the right information. Googling well truly is a skill. Though be it a strange one.
Just putting it out there, you are not. Your deeds and intentions are what define you. And there is no race or nationality that makes you inherently bad or good.
I always imagine future historians having so much fun learning about this period.
I guess they don’t want allies.
I would say, a good conversation. Listen to him, ask question, don’t be too judgemental (and that can be hard). But also accept, that for a big part, you can’t form/force his way of thinking. In the end he has to find his own way in life.
You know this happened with cars also, until there is a new disruption by a new player or technology - companies are just coasting on their cash cows. Part of the market cycle I guess.
Yeah, I agree we have to accept change. In the long run sure, life will be okay, and a new totally unique array of different species will exist. I think next to a healthy stable biosphere, which biodiversity is a fundament of, a lot of people feel the grief/sadness because of the loss of all this natural beauty. Be it ecosystems or species. And I think a problem is, that sure nature adapted and shifted due to natural cycles. Deserts and jungles moved north/south/east/west depending on changing circumstances. But next to geographical limits, there is also the limit that a lot of ground is claimed and protected by culture. Be it agricultural or cities.
I don’t totally agree to the COP progress, yes it is a slow process. And totally not moving at a speed we need or like. But at the moment it is the best we have. And as far as climate goes, a lot more has been done because of COPs then without them. Though I certainly hope we can develop better processes and cooperation between countries on these issues.
Thanks for the explanation
Thanks for enlightening me
I have no clue, because never reading the bible thoroughly because of being an atheist and all. I did a quick search and found something about being model nation under god and fully embracing the Messiah as a nation. But not sure what you refer to.
thanks for your great message, I see some hopeful developments well as, because of technological disruption. It is worth to read some of it here. But I am worried about even more complex issues like biodiversity loss. Though there is absolutely still hope and possibility there to limit damage, it is even more complicated to limit the damage. What do you think about that?
Do you really think they lost over their stance on Israel/Palestina? Not saying it doesn’t matter. But I feel if you see how many votes republicans got, that a lot of (perceived) domestic issues played a very big role.
Yup I feel the same way, like that was the moment he snapped or the crazy finally came out. Before I was a big fan, but it went downhill from there pretty fast. Though I’ve heard him on the Lex Friedman podcast like a year ago, and then he came across pretty sane - he just acts insane a lot of other times as well.
It’s just such a weird turn of events that the Saudies and Russians finance the platform that is touted as the true free speech platform (especially by republicans) - to further undermine the US and other democracies.
Thank you for saving me a search
I would like to add, that though we have the means to store the radioactive waste safely, it’s not done properly in many places. So it’s also an organizational challenge.
It is, come by here pretty often - and can guarantee it is not AI - but just a good picture of our super systematic infrastructure
I tried an VW ID3 this weekend, the software was low key, it mostly relied on you having Apple Car or it’s android equivalent.
I feel like all economies will soon be just trading with eachother, except with the US.