• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • the 1st thing that Trump did, in his 1st term, was remove the market-protective legislation that Obama had put in-place, to prevent a 2nd financial-crisis.

    & with Trump & Putin working on dividing & butchering the Western world, there isn’t going to be any “status quo” from now on.

    I expect Trump to declare outright war on Canada in less than 3y, & to see people die because Canada is going to be the “new Ukraine”.


    Because IF Trump can possess both Canada & Greenland, THEN he & Putin can DESTROY the woke EU, together.

    “take a decade to return to normal” is believing-in an economic-regime which is … in the process of falling out a window, same as protesters & dissidents do, in Russia.

    10y from now, I believe both Putin & Trump will have fallen, but WW3 will be on, as they will have butchered the West sooo completely, that the rest of BRICS will be unable to let the opportunity just walk by, so they’ll simply launch everything against the butchered-West, & hope to win the war.

    Actually, I expect that will be going on by 2032, so less than 10y…

    _ /\ _

  • I remember when there was some … what was it, hoof & mouth disease, or something, in the UK?

    The Problem™, was that farms for these animals are crowded,

    AND trades of animals were sooo quick, that by the time they clued-in that this was happening, many farms were infected,

    & they weren’t able to just identify all the now-infected farms, because that wasn’t part of their national management system, apparently…

    Remapping it to mega-chickenfarms,

    I’d bet they’ve got specialist chick-producing-farms, & then the mega egg-farms, & that they trade with each-other ( replacing dead birds, if nothing else )

    & the transactions are happening at such a pace, at national-scale,

    that any infection which gains ground somewhere, can essentially “zerg rush” the entire-system, before the controls have a chance to clamp-down properly, AND many simply won’t obey any clamp-down order anyways, because obeying law is unAmerican, culturally…

    iow, it’s in large part, a systems question.

    The gestation-period for any illness makes trades that happen quicker-than-that systemically dangerous, when there’s some highly-transmissible pathogen going 'round ( whether we know about it, or not ),

    & same as you have to slow the trades-cycle of stock-markets to human-scale ( say 2-second intervals for recording trades ), in order to take the stock-market back from the millisecond-trade-algorithms,

    you also have to batch the trades in infectable-farm-animals so as to make it more-difficult for transmissible pathogens to OWN a national-economy, but … moneyarchy won’t allow that management, of course…

    In the UK case, there was a clear division into superspreader farms vs normal farms.

    I’m presuming the same will be true in all farm-animals-industries, at scale.

    ( sorry for breaking this into pieces, while writing it, but braindamage: it’s easier for me to understand the meanings when each piece is clear, by itself: it’s my mental-equivalent to a wheelchair, perhaps : )

    PS: I just realized…

    Some farmers are trading-addicted: it’s the “buzz” they get from the doing-deals, which they love sooo much…

    I wonder if the superspreader sites were partly the result of that mode of operating a farm?

  • I’m vegan, usually, because the meditations I want cannot be reached when I’m not.

    Please try intermittently supplementing with Choline if you go vegan: choline-deficiency produces a “chronic fatigue syndrome” condition.

    I need 2x tablets / day, when vegan, so 200mg actual-choline, in 500mg of choline bitartrate.

    I don’t want other people having the damn years of difficulties I had, for no reason.

    Simply try it, & if it consistently removes vegan-chronic-fatigue-syndrome from your life, THEN that was the cause, & make that supplementation permanent.

    I’m not saying all will be so affected, but fscking years I wasted trying to find the cause of that part of my health-problems…

    it’s an actual chemical-requirement, for some.

    _ /\ _

  • Trump’s committed to butchering Europe with Putin’s help: that’s WHY Canada & Greenland require, in his reality, to be possessed, as military staging-grounds for smashing the hated by Putin & Trump woke-EU.

    They want to be the ONLY world “kings” alive.

    NATO is now trojan’d, & NOT going to fight-against Russia for ANY reason, whatsoever, unless it kicks the US out.

    The butchering of the world is beginning.

    7y from now, & there should only be 3 empires left, & the remnant-of-NATO against all-3 empires.

    The US is going to declare war on Canada in less than 3y, if Canada won’t aquiesce to being butchered, willingly.

    & there is nothing I can do to prevent it. ( I’m a Canuck )

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  • Somebody PLEASE get Zelenskiy to understand that Putin & Trump are committed to butchering ALL of Europe, & that “playing pattycake” with them isn’t rational, strategic, or even slightly valid!!

    The reason that Trump wants Canada and Greenland is so that a pincer between Trump & Putin can DESTROY Europe, leaving only-them as world “kings”.


    ( I’d also ask that someone communicate to him that sooner-or-later Trump’s going to have him as a guest in the US, … & just arrest him, to hand-over to Putin, probably later-this-year, the way things are going )

    Trump+Musk is Putin’s Apprentice & Accomplice.

    This has been setting-up for about 4 decades…

    IF Zelenskiy won’t understand, THEN … Ukraina’s lost.

    _ /\ _

  • Trump’s strategy is to smash Canada & Greenland,

    then between Russia & the US, DESTROY the hated-by-Trump-Musk-&-Putin, EU.

    Either the US TOTAL WAR against Canada prevents Trump from chewing the EU to pieces,

    & the EU successfully fights against Russia’s CCP-backed rampaging of Europe when NATO’s gutted/gone,

    XOR the EU dies, possibly late this decade or very-early next.

    Clue in!!

    They want to be the ONLY ruling “kings” in the whole world, & “civilized” intention isn’t even in their brains, at all, now.

    We are standing on what Sun Tzu called “death ground”!

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  • Oh, while the US is waging TOTAL WAR against Canada, 3y from now, if anyone think that China-backed-Russia isn’t going to be rampaging Europe, they’re mindblind/incompetent.

    This is THE GREAT FILTER: humankind’s species-“puberty”.

    Grow-up transformation either will be earned, by some remnant of our world’s people,


    the galaxy will be silent of our-kind, permanently, by the end of this century, forever.

    Natural Selection, it’s called, within an Extinction Event, too…

    _ /\ _

  • Then you don’t understand what’s REALLY going-on:

    Trump wants to smash Canada & Greenland, so that between Trump+Musk on ALL of North America + Greenland,

    & Putin-backed-by-China,

    the hated-by-them EU can be DESTROYED,

    & then they get to be the ONLY “kings” ruling the world.


    Trump’s declaring war against Canada, my country, is certain, within 2-2.5y, maximum.

    _ /\ _

  • Then they are completely-foolish.

    Trump couldn’t care less about the real long-term interest of the US of A: he’s smashing the US to smithereens for sake of his importance, throughout the next 8-ish years.

    ( no there won’t be any replacement of him through election: it’s too late for that, now:

    the Dems had their chance, in 2024, & relied on their filter-bubble & their Hopium.

    The opportunity’s completely gone, & Civil War Part2 will begin roughly in 2027-9, when even the deniers are forced into seeing that it’s too late, & it should last a few years )

    The Republicans’ butchering civil-rights is anti-fragile: it’ll only escalate.

    & as for any proof that Trump’s values couldn’t care less about the human-lives dependent on the old way?

    USAID’s gutting was the intentional severing of thousands of medical lifelines.

    Extrapolate those Trump-values globally, & then you’re seeing the actual Trump, Putin’s apprentice.

    Please Asia do not rely on Hopium as the Democratic Party did…

    Making-believing’s the most worthless “defence” there is.

    _ /\ _

  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=alzheimer's+virus

    I’m not the poster you’re contempting, I’m just some asshole Empiricist who works to consistently check before contempting.

    Scientific-integrity is not in the culture I grew-up in ( dad’s medical-culture Scientism has no tolerance for it, neither did mom’s Catholicism ),

    but it is required for outright intellectual-integrity.

    For those who won’t check the link to see the results, here is the abstract from 1 paper:

    Infectious agents and Alzheimer’s disease


    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia worldwide. Individuals affected by the disease gradually lose their capacity for abstract thinking, understanding, communication and memory. As populations age, declining cognitive abilities will represent an increasing global health concern. While AD was first described over a century ago, its pathogenesis remains to be fully elucidated. It is believed that cognitive decline in AD is caused by a progressive loss of neurons and synapses that lead to reduced neural plasticity. AD is a multifactorial disease affected by genetic and environmental factors. The molecular hallmarks of AD include formation of extracellular β amyloid (Aβ) aggregates, neurofibrillary tangles of hyperphosphorylated tau protein, excessive oxidative damage, an imbalance of biothiols, dysregulated methylation, and a disproportionate inflammatory response. Recent reports have shown that viruses (e.g., Herpes simplex type 1, 2, 6A/B; human cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis C virus, influenza virus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, SARS-CoV-2), bacteria (e.g., Treponema pallidum, Borrelia burgdorferi, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Tannerella forsythia, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcmitans, Eikenella corrodens, Treponema denticola, and Helicobacter pylori), as well as eukaryotic unicellular parasites (e.g., Toxoplasma gondii) may factor into cognitive decline within the context of AD. Microorganisms may trigger pathological changes in the brain that resemble and/or induce accumulation of Aβ peptides and promote tau hyperphosphorylation. Further, the mere presence of infectious agents is suspected to induce both local and systemic inflammatory responses promoting cellular damage and neuronal loss. Here we review the influence of infectious agents on the development of AD to inspire new research in dementia based on these pathogens.

    bold-highlighting is by me.

  • Astounding:

    All the geek-managers who’ve claimed, through the years, to be “cat herders”, or to be “herding cats”, have ZERO validity compared with this woman…

    She is THE Catherd™

    & we’ve been accepting the bullshit-claim of guys for years…

    Shame on us… doesn’t empiricism require that we accept the data’s facts?

    : p

    _ /\ _

  • The problem is in at-least 3 parts:

    desensitization, AND feeding real psychopathy/sadism, AND normalizing such things…

    moving the entire bell-curve is the problem.

    or changing its shape…

    People don’t accept that murder is a form of expression, same as speech is…

    Within your body, your immune-system, if it is working-properly, disallows the expression of cancer, pathogens, & parasites, right?

    But people hold that it is possible to have a country who is healthy, which doesn’t disallow the expression of moral-cancer, moral-pathogens, & moral-parasites, of course…

    ( “nobody has ANY right to restrict ANY expression, even treason, even murder! it’s a RIGHT” would be a too-accurate simplification of many ideologues’ won’t-think “muscle” )

    Exemption-from-accountability/exemption-from-responsibility, aka corruption, is all it really is.

    tired of being gaslit, but that’s all that’s left, in this world, it seems.

    ( btw, I’m not attacking your perspective: you’re right. Anybody already doing human-butchery-for-entertainment is somebody who needs to be found & limited/mitigated, before the “indulge” in butchering somebody.

    I’m just getting these points into this page of discussions, to get the perspective recorded, is all…

    There’s a yt channel, LADbible I think it’s called, & for some reason they’ve got some good in-depth interviews of, e.g. a woman who hunts the guys who destroy women’s lives for kicks…

    She set-up the equivalent-to the FBI’s personality-profiling unit, in the UK…

    Please watch that video, because what she tells us about stalkers, that they have MUCH higher liklihood of murdering ( something like 1/8 of 'em murder their victim? waaay too high, that ), & therefore stalking NEEDS to be considered to be a life-threat at that level…

    I wish the Good Guys were winning, in this world, but it’ll take years to put the balance back, for some portion of the world, now…

    but the alternative is to simply lose the world…

    here: I think this is it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JrvWPGRnUwk

    How can we support her & others doing the same kind of work?

    we need clearer government, for 1 thing…

    anyways, such are dangerous, & feeding their sickness does have consequences…

    that’s what we’ve got to find the spine to correct.

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  • “must”, … or what??

    Pretentious idiocy.

    Mental-rabies NEEDS to be dealt-with AS mental-rabies.

    Ideology/prejudice/“religion” which prohibits objectivity, & is identity-anchor, HAS to be dealt-with as functionally subhuman: mere-animal mind/determination,

    because it IS mere-animal mind: the imprint->reaction mind of unreasoning herdbeasts, of unreasoning pack-animals.

    Continuing to pretend that ideology/prejudice/“religion”'s programming is “reasonable” & reason-WITH-able, … is simply us making ourselves into helpers of their slaughtering our own children: it is outright criminality.

    Churchill, who simultaneously was prejudiced-scum who enforced lots of needless destruction-of-life in India AND he was the guy who held the West together during WW2

    ( I’m fed-up with ideology’s “people are either all-good or all-bad, and OUR people are all-good, and OTHER people are all-bad” prejudice…

    Hans Reiser was a murder of his own wife, but ReiserFS was a good filesystem which committed no crime.

    The founder of Ikea was a Nazi-party member years before, but his Ikea has done great good in our world, for people like college students & young families.

    Musk’s 5 stages of engineering, which most get in the wrong-order, with Remove Dumb Requirements 1st, iirc Delete Unnecessary Parts & Processes is 2nd, Simplify & Clarify is 3rd? then Accelerate, then last is Automate, … is 1 of the most-important gifts the ENTIRE engineering-field has ever gotten, & yes, he is a physical tech genius, AND he is a flagrant Nazi fascist, & absolute enemy of civil-rights.

    People who intentionally side with evil can have done some right-things:

    ideology’s oversimplification isn’t what Universe sees, & therefore it isn’t what G-D sees, either.

    It’s why we now use Nazi-design shaped protective hats for our military people: that-design protects-lives better.

    As the USMC’s rule says: take their technology, not their doctrine. ( & that requires having the integrity+intelligence to differentiate between the 2, doesn’t it? )

    ( that rule is from “Corps Business: the 30 Management Principles of the US Marines” by David H. Freedman, a senior-Forbes-editor who directly asked the USMC if he could immerse himself among them, learn all he could, & write a book about it… Why did the USMC agree? because they figured they could actually learn something, & that’s leverage! ) )

    Anyways, as Churchill identified, there is zero point in arguing-with, or reasoning-with, either drunks or fanatics.

    More-properly-resolved, it is the imprint->reaction mind that there isn’t any point in treating as “rational”.

    Kahneman1 mind ( lower-forebrain, ttbomk ).

    IF someone demonstrates that they’re solidly within imprint->reaction mind, disallowing/ignoring/denying evidence, correct-reasoning, etc, THEN accept that, deal-with that, & treat them as incapable-of-rationality human-shaped-animals.


    Suspending that decision endlessly, helps them to slaughter our lives.

    & I’m fed-up with pretending otherwise being treated as “the only valid position”.



    To be honest, I don’t expect much of humankind to survive the next-century, if any does, simply because pretending/ignoring/denying is sooo fundamentally preferred to actual-honesty/objectivity.

    “Actions speak louder than words” people say … but “words are more valid than actions” is what our “journalism” and our “governing” and our pseudo-accountability and our legal-systems etc all enforce/“prove”/enact.

    Only when there are nearly-no-human-lives-left will that be force-changed??


    Too bad for the future-generations, but that’s our-generation’s determination, isn’t it?

    Better to murder-off all their future-lives, than to have spine/integrity now?

    sickening, repugnant, but … proudly-committed-by-many, now.

    “Accelerationists”, especially.

    they “must” do this, or that … OR WHAT??

    FORCE consequences, morons, or allow them to slaughter us all.

    “governing”, my arse.

    Occupying-authority-while-NOT-governing, more like.

    Accountability-repellent seems to be what political-authority is made-of??

    _ /\ _

    PS: I’m not advocating-for what the ideologues do, I’m advocating for accepting that at the individual level, IF an individual demonstrates that they are immune-to-reason, THEN treat that-individual as immune-to-reason.

    the ideologues judge people as mere-animal if they’re outside-of-the-ideologues’-IDENTITY, & that’s a pre-judging mechanism, not an objective-judging-based-on-actual-behavior basis.

    The Hamas programming that Jews cannot be human, the Zionist programming that Palestinians cannot be human, etc, that is the pre-judging that I’m calling mental-rabies.

    There ARE people, of my nationality, & yours, who war against considered-reasoning ( upper-forebrain, ttbomk ), trying to enforce imprint->reaction’s totalitarian dominion.

    The Catholic inquisition tried, for centuries, to murder its way to unquestioning-lordhood, the “Christian” nationalists are working on recreating that kind of animal-human totalitarian dominion in the US of A right now.

    ALL the Abrahamic-religions, ALL the Dharmic-religions ( of India ), ALL kinds of Indigenous religions, fundamentalist-atheism, physicalism-existentialism, ANY paradigm can be converted into an imprint->reaction ideology,

    AND any religion can be held to be a considered-reasoning religion, by humans.

    It ISN’T which “label” a person is wearing, it is their behavior which need be judged, & treated-as-it-actually-is.

    ( I realized after writing that people were going to perhaps-intentionally misinterpret it to claim that I’m just gaslighting, just pushing ideology while pretending to stand counter to ideology, simply because I hadn’t identified that it is individual behavior which shows the real truth.

    Hopefully, that’s fixed, now, clearly-enough. : )