Being misleading is the goal, not the side effect.
Being misleading is the goal, not the side effect.
Every accusation is an admission with these guys
I hope you have the day you voted for.
They did remove ‘Don’t Be Evil’ from their corporate code of conduct back in 2018.
Works just fine on DeepSeek
Do you want Brownshirts? Because that’s how you get Brownshirts!
It’s not a mistake if you need yourself some brownshirts.
All governments think they are eternal, and all governments eventually fall.
Frankly, this makes me NOT want to go back.
Came here to say this!
Jesus didn’t protect the Jesus school? Not a very reliable god.
May the force always be in your favor, Harry
Hello Fruit Snack!
It looks like Arabic script. Does it say anything?
Why does search need to be AI? I’ve had no problems finding any information I wanted under the former process.
I would be happy if they were even vocal. As the right screams about their perceived persecution, there are only quiet murmurs from the Democrats. There are levers to be pulled even without a majority (I’ll point out that Bill Clinton was fairly successful with his policies even with a hostile congress).
I expect continued inaction by the Democrats as our ‘Left’ continues its move to the right
Police don’t need combat gear. If you need combat soldiers, get the military involved
I think the ultimate goal is martial law, and I think he is unconcerned about what triggers his ability to declare it.