I think this is a really good post and I appreciate that you took the time to write it out. The only thing I can really offer are some tips I have personally been using to avoid psychic damage caused by forcing AI into everything, especially art. They may be obvious, but have helped me a lot.
-use Bandcamp to discover new music. Lots of artists on there from bedroom musicians to people on smaller labels. Probably the most direct and ethical way to support musicians in our current system
-go to your local library. I found such genuine peace just walking around the stacks looking at all of the books in the collection. It feels almost viscerally shocking to me that they (printed books and libraries) still exist. I’ve been trying to get back into reading again.
-go to a museum. See some art. I think that some places have released statements about AI art and are specifically excluding it from collections, although I’m not sure.
-talk to people. I think most people who care even remotely about enjoying things don’t want AI generated content.
I think this probably excludes the youngest and oldest who can’t tell the difference, and slop brained AI bros. I did get in argument with my brother (who is a lib) because he was basically like “you’re going to have to embrace it because it’s the future” and I don’t believe that this is true. I think the fact that the US has leveraged it’s entire economy on something that is at best great for niche applications (protein and cancer research) and at worst a marketing gimmick is going to fail miserably. Though, I have no doubt it’s going to continue to be pushed and applied in as many areas as possible, I hope it doesn’t destroy everything in its wake.
Can I get a source on SILO being zionist? Not doubting / arguing with you, but I’ve almost gone to shows there before and I’d like to see what their deal is.