• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2024


  • #Rust

    initially, for part two I was trying to ignore a bad pair not a bad value - read the question!

    Only installed Rust on Sunday, day 1 was a mess, today was more controlled. Need to look at some of the rust solutions for std library methods I don’t know about.

    very focussed on getting it to actually compile/work over making it short or nice!



    pub mod task_2 {

    pub fn task_1(input: &str) -> i32{
        let mut valid_count = 0;
        let reports = process_input(input);
        for report in reports{
            let valid = is_report_valid(report);
            if valid{
                valid_count += 1;
        println!("Valid count: {}", valid_count);
    pub fn task_2(input: &str) -> i32{
        let mut valid_count = 0;
        let reports = process_input(input);
        for report in reports{
            let mut valid = is_report_valid(report.clone());
            if !valid
                for position_to_delete in 0..report.len()
                    let mut updated_report = report.clone();
                    valid = is_report_valid(updated_report);
                    if valid { break; }
            if valid{
                valid_count += 1;
        println!("Valid count: {}", valid_count);
    fn is_report_valid(report:Vec<i32>) -> bool{
        let mut increasing = false;
        let mut decreasing = false;
        let mut valid = true;
        for position in 1..report.len(){
            if report[position-1] > report[position]
                decreasing = true;
            else if report[position-1] < report[position]
                increasing = true;
                valid = false;
            if (report[position-1] - report[position]).abs() > 3
                valid = false;
            if increasing && decreasing
                valid = false;
        return valid;
    pub fn process_input(input: &str) -> Vec<Vec<i32>>{
        let mut reports: Vec<Vec<i32>> = Vec::new();
        for report_string in input.split("\n"){
            let mut report: Vec<i32> = Vec::new();
            for value in report_string.split_whitespace() {
        return reports;



  • It does mention that they send some of these in, and sometimes they get responses back that they are fine.

    That covers all of your senior engineers that end up spending more time speccing/investigating things than code.

    This kind of tool is probably very useful in ‘fiefdom’ companies where middle managers refuse to fire people because then they lose a headcount, or just protect their cronies. Having a central team that cuts across the company investigating that would be a good idea.

    Unfortunately in a lot of cases, I can see people being fired off that even though they are doing other work, just because management don’t understand what they do. Or worse because someone sells the tool as being flawless and they just fire anyone it picks up.