And even if she did, I am a defender of women’s wrongs !
Hi ! My name’s Neimi, i am almost 30, i am Transy girl, a woman girl a girly loving girl.
I love writing, drawing, ttrpgs and Anime and TV Show
And i love to talk about all this.
I speak French, English and Spanish, i am an interpreter
And even if she did, I am a defender of women’s wrongs !
I was a bit too young for Thracia so the nostalgia goggles don’t fit and i can’t enjoy the lower graphics and animations. I am still hoping they remake it for the switch with Genealogy but i am not holding my breath.
If you want to break FE7 just spam the arenas until all characters are level 20 or Lvl 20 evolved at one point your characters are so much above the stats of the enemies you can just grind money until your battery runs out. I did that. For years.
I won’t stop you ! Also i love how much of shitposters both he and Dana are outside of it. Both Chaos Gremlin last month she spread around a censored episode of Moongirl and Devil Dinosaur (the one with a Trans character being the center of the plot)
And i love that Alex Hirsch just sang with hooty’s voice little miss perfect which was a song Lumity shippers used a lot. I love them.
Say it louder !
They’re all gay anyway, I ship Neimi and Lute personnally and the only reason these two don’t get their support convos is homophobia.
My brother and i won by grinding the arenas and grinding bosses at any occasion. I think that if you keep at it with the same crew you can get quite a great team. the first time my brother finished the game he had like 7 characters left the rest were all dead. Very hard.
I never finished Radiant and Path of Radiance, these games are SO long it’s impressive, great everything but the balance is uber punishing. Shadow dragon is cool but i played it so young that i immediately broke the gameplay by spamming the arena which you can do and if you handle your fights correctly you have maxxed up characters + infinite money at the end of it
Fe7’s writing is unparalleled in my opinion, there are so many recuitable characters with their own shit going on.
It’s really funny to see how Right-wing nutjob accused her of being a plant by liberals to push their pro-climate change agenda and they now have to make it make sense that the liberal plant is openly speaking about the genocide liberals have been ignoring.
Sadly i am much into DnD RN as i am in the middle of preparing my 1st campaign as a GM + 3 other campaigns ongoing with 5e !
So 5e is the one i’m most used to, someday i might be enticed into learning a new one but rn I feel very proficient with it…
Hi :) Difficult question, Sacred Stones has my heart for being the game i played the most and the earliest, So Does FE7 (I actually almost died playign it while going down a stairway and because i was hunched over my came boy i slid painlessly, litterally saving my life.
I loved awakening,
the Switch games have been a harder sell however, Too much non combat things to do and think of.
Just had one bowl from the latest batch, still good.
Good question :
Let it boil for 30" or longer. Mix it all
Salt and pepper enjoy
I have been making batch after batch for the past 2 months due to how humongous the pumpkin i bought and froze in october was. It’s still very good and a cure-all
I agree that they should make a memorial wall for Brian Thomson, New york has been due a new gender neutral public bathroom for a while now.