That’s the realist view, agree. It is hitting to suck for many, many people but they made their own bed.
That’s the realist view, agree. It is hitting to suck for many, many people but they made their own bed.
I think this is going to be the end of the USA as we know it. After this period, democracy will be significantly impacted.
Agree. It is unfortunate however, that when being impossibly rich and protected for the rest of your life, you still work on how to squeeze the most out of humanity instead of focusing on something greater.
Agree, there’s a lot going on. How I see it:
@xxx are snaps, limiting result to any resource from a website e.g.
!xxx are bangs, using the sites own search engine to return results. They are external searches, and might provide more (if the site does not expose certain parts to search engine) or less (if the site didn’t build search capabilities for some parts but they are indexable) than snaps.
Lenses return search results based on certain criteria. Those could be a list of snaps (so domains), but also geography, keywords, file types, or they could exclude the same.
Haha yeah, it looks like a fake picture or some cartoon.
I’m sorry, but it seems like you’re playing with tools and code you don’t understand. First, this has nothing in common with a virus. That is either a click bait or you don’t understand what it is you are looking at. If it crashes your computer, it is simply badly written code. Any programmer has done something similarly (in their area of domain, ie not necessarily able to crash a computer).
For the next time, I would recommend you to use the AI to explain the code and ask questions about it.
Good strategy is to pay me just enough so that I get too lazy to look for another job. If I can’t save, I’m out ASAP.
Yeah, no idea where that came from. Except for Apple I don’t know anyone who wants “Everything X”.
What exactly do you mean, Linux had been "catching on’ since decades, you may need to wait for a while…
I’ve recently stumbled over Regnum. How is it nowadays, Graphics look bad, but I can ignore it. How is the gameplay, balance? Is there any PvE at all?
I’ve recently been looking for a new phone, this is the first one that seems to strike a reasonable balance between features and (assumed) price. On a OP 6t right now, and the ones that came after didn’t seem very good. OTOH, my 6t with LineageOS runs perfectly (except for the camera from time to time).
Yeah. Pushing for nearly immunity of the president might turn out to be very costly when someone actually reckless comes to presidency. And I presume Trump will be a version of that someone, as he is getting old and there won’t be another term for him. Nothing to lose, all to gain. He will make th US a shit show.
Pretty interesting. Unfortunately, pricing for phones has reached ridiculous levels. Their non pro version looks better in terms of price-value, but still not great.
Unfortunately, it will end up in companies double-dipping. Once consumers accept adds, you will see more of them, and for sure the money they get from ads is not fully reflected in the price reduction.
Geil: Die Raufaser ist, gemessen an den Verkaufszahlen, der beliebteste Wandbelag in Deutschland. So stand es bis 2011 auf Wikipedia. Dann strich ein anonymer Nutzer das Wort “beliebteste” und ersetzte es durch “am meisten verbreitete”. Erfunden hat die Raufasertapete, so erfährt man in dem Artikel, 1864 ein Apotheker namens Hugo Erfurt. Jemand mit einer IP-Adresse in Halle ergänzte eines Nachts: “der Huansohn”. Aus Wuppertal, wo Raufaser bis heute produziert wird, machte jemand “Wupperanal”, aus dem Apotheker einen Sadomasochisten. Der Vandalismus wurde behoben, die Ressentiments aber sind geblieben
Genau so ist es. Jetzt solltest Du Dich reich fühlen! Keine Frage, das ist ein sehr stattliches Gehalt, von dem viele nur träumen können, aber eben dann doch weit von dem entfernt, was der Name Spitzensteuersatz suggeriert.
Dass der “Spitzensteuersatz” bei 70k liegt, was viel Geld ist, aber in einigen Studiengängen nach wenigen Jahren Berufserfahrung erreicht wird, sollte zu denken geben. Hier wird als reich tituliert, wer obere Mittelschicht ist. Wer wirklich reich - vermögend - ist, den interessiert das kaum. Das Geld kommt, oder sitzt, in anderen Quellen wie Immobilien oder Unternehmensanteile.
Exactly. They may not call themselves nobility but their influence is the same if not more.
Sad but true. Intel’s performance was poor over the last year. Shuddering thinking about my Mac with Intel CPU, there must be burn victims from this thing. Still, less competition is never a good thing.