I saw similar error when I had a drive mounting line in /etc/fstab
When i commented out the line it went back to normal.
I want to get off on Mr. Bones Wilde Ride.
If I hired people I would literally screen them out
Roller Coaster Tycoon. I want to stay on Mr. Bones Wild Ride. 💀
Where was Gondor when the westfold fell?
Lol wow i fee like ive been there now
I call them manties lol
Do both
Tired of boiled maybe, like necessary for your sanity
Not on work locked down pcs its not.
I fucking hate onedrive sooo much for this, it kills me a little everytime and it happens all the time. Im just a husk at this point. God damn fuck you onedrive.
Im not 40, early 30s, but its actually been the case my whole life. I chalk it up to having sisters, I’m just way more comfortable with women.
Absolutely love this anf probably gona use this for dnd
Most of my friends are women and I’m a hetero male, guess were not friends then?
I do science in genomics, bioinformatics, fungi, and plants. Im not sure if there are specific communities