I usually hate pre-ordering anything after learning my lesson with No Man’s Land, but Hellraiser is my no. 1 horror film. So that’s happening.
I usually hate pre-ordering anything after learning my lesson with No Man’s Land, but Hellraiser is my no. 1 horror film. So that’s happening.
I moved into a new build property just before winter. ASHP, hot water tank, solar panels and under floor heating. There were some teething problems with a frozen pipe, but that was due to an imbalanced feedback valve. Since that was solved I’ve had no problem with the system.
Ask me for an update after this winter and the system is a year old.
I’ll have a tin of spam, a tin of beans and wash that bad boy down with a can of McEwan’s Export.
We made it… and we can break it just as easily!
Living in the North of Scotland and listening to people referring to anywhere north of Watford Gap as “The North” will always elicit a raised eyebrow from me.
Oh my sweet southern children, what do you know of the true north? Where the sun hides it’s face for weeks at a time…
I’m certain that I’m not the only one who reads headlines like this and thinks “good for them, let’s not go ruining it for the locals shall we”
Stella? Foreign muck. It’s a warm pint of Carling or it’s off to the colonies with you.
I didn’t go, but watching on the telebox, this was my set of the festival.
The problem with “moral” problems is, who sets the morals? The church has been setting them for years, but they are now regarded as outdated and, to be frank, not a shining example of good “morality”.
20 year old me just got a little bit excited. 40-odd year old me is sad that he’s never going to fit back into his leather trench coat.