The Soup of Theseus
The Soup of Theseus
After noticing how inappropriate the song was, they played “Nearer My God to Thee” instead
Looks a lot better than Doom on the Pocket Station
The fourth one looks like he’d be a great anaesthetist.
Why would Moscow Mitch have an issue with that?
Is that the same art style as “You’ve Got This, Juri!”?
Sounds like Michael Jackson having a stroke
Captain, scanners detect a silver ship with a bright light beacon approaching
What kind of crossover is this? The sequel to Assimilation²?
A GBC only takes 2 AA batteries
I just looked it up and turns out that was Tim and not Dick as Robin
Didn’t he also date Jubilee, or was that Tim?
I hope the thief has his licence ready, otherwise the guild hall is getting a new weather vane.
My Unobtanium!
Another fun chapter but the Mario Kart joke from chapter 225 was probably one of the best so far.
Plastic is stored in the balls