With the whole catalog of games from Activision/Blizzard soon coming for free to Game Pass?
With the whole catalog of games from Activision/Blizzard soon coming for free to Game Pass?
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You just described the whole internet. You gonna ban them from that too? What about the crap talked about on the playground? You going to ban them from recess?
Flat out banning them is lazy and isn’t doing them any justice in preparing them for how to handle these situations when you are not there to make the bad people go away.
You are the problem. Not roblox and some poop game.
My kids play it. 9 and 11. I’ve played it. I’ve spent money in it. It’s the amount of content. The games are actually really good.
And it’s super easy to make something and just send it to the world.
As a developer I used chatgpt and it just spits out whole games.
Edit: Some games are really good. Some games are crap.
Right? "Entered comments to pass responsibility and blame to someone else.
No. You blame the people for not fighting the system. Not for being complacent.
Couldn’t agree more. It’s time for a rewrite.
No no no. Wait until after she gets the younger generations to vote the monsters out!!
No, I’m banking on the younger generations coming out of the woodwork. They’ve dealt with so much and really hoping they realize their vote could really send these dinosaurs into extinction.
Any time I’ve thought about switching from web dev, being an electrician always looked the most appealing. I second this option.
Exist. The US education system failed me.
I am not “normal” I can’t read a chapter and pass a test. I need to be hands on. So the system gave me a C and moved me on to the next grade.
I was given the privilege to realize I can program, and by high school had already become pretty handy in C++. This is before high school.
I was a star in every tech class they had. Got Cs still of course cause i didn’t give a fuck, but it was very clear I was light-years ahead of even the teachers.
Not one teacher, staff or administrator asked me why I wasn’t going to college? Sat me down about my grades and got me aligned. No one gave 2 shits.
I got lucky. I got myself into the career without college. But man, those students who didn’t have the privileges I did, that just got dropped to the curb. Shame.
Here’s what it means… my household will remain free of Philips hue products.
So, the band gets their 10 cents, the jukebox gets its money, and the bar mutes the jukebox…
I don’t see how this makes any sense.
You know those water balloon toys with the hose hook up? It fills about 20 small water balloons and you have to sorta jiggle the hose to get the balloons to slide off.
Well, it felt like the doctor was pulling a hose on a mini version if this inside my boys.
Was legit horrible experience.
Don’t let anyone fool you. Sooooo glad it’s done.
Maybe it’s a really expensive addition to someone’s garage?
I’ve no interest in a flip phone. Why? Why is my option a foldable screen, but no head phone jack? That’s not something I want, that’s something I need.
Thank you.