I don’t know. I feel like I should know but I don’t. It seems like other people know, I don’t know why I don’t.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2年前
Cake day: 2023年6月13日


  • When I am on my desktop PC it is viable to copy and pasted but when I am using a track pad and keyboard or using my stylus copy and paste is way too much work.

    I have a programmable keyboard but have not played with setting up Unicode keys. I like the idea and may wind up being that keyboard to class. It might be a bit too clicky for a classroom setting through.

    A software keyboard would be ideal. I just don’t know where to get started.

  • There are people who have literal swastica t shirts. The proud boys and oath keepers and 3%ers are not hard to find. Go punch a Nazi and leave my car alone. Find a pickup with a Trump number sticker and gift them a brick through their side window and some ventilation in two tires. Let’s leave the single mom who got a great deal on a used car alone.

    I understand your point I just hate that people seem to think vandalism is going to make the world better in any way.

  • I own a Tesla. I bought it in 2018. I fucking hate Elon Musk but I do not feel like I need to get rid of my car. Me selling would not hurt Elon. It just hurts me because I rely on that car for my wife to get to work.

    It’s paid off and it works just fine. Why should I have to sell my car for a huge loss and get something new just because you want to make a political statement.

    My wife is a life long democrat. I have never had a party affiliation. I do not understand how damaging my car is supposed to help your cause.

  • There is actually some research on this and yes cats and dogs often have a preference for which side they favor. The distribution is far more even than it is with humans and many more are ambilateral and work well with either side without showing a strong preference.

    More interesting than cats and dogs are chickens and pigs. Most chickens don’t have a strong preference but those that do have a dominant eye tend to react to visual stimuli faster than other chickens. Pigs often have a dominant side of their about and it often corresponds with the direction their tails spiral.