If you are using the Manager it shows what is the current version and recommended version when you select the application you want to patch.
If you are using the Manager it shows what is the current version and recommended version when you select the application you want to patch.
Applause 👏 Just applause!
It is ‘nice’ to seem them fight for it
Issues so far
I’m on a Samsung S23U and it’s working fine here.
Better yet… ReVanced
Is this community closed or what?
So nice to see them go head to head… Glad for the race that they taking turns in pulling ahead and gaining time on the other.
So it does 😊 thank you! Keep up the good work. Suggestion, maybe add a counter next to the inbox text/icon
For me I don’t want to have notifications but what I would like to have is a view where I can go and see replies to comments once I open the app…
As it is now I need to go to my Profile - Comments and go through them
Bitwarden? Has 2FA, can self host, open source
Oh yeah, don’t get me wrong it is definitely an improvement to previous versions 😊
Love the app so far…
I see that after today’s update the images are no longer being cropped, instead the full picture is displayed albeit small to fit the given space for each post.
Would it be possible to add an option to have the pictures displayed bigger? Right now it you are force to enter a post to see the picture properly. I get that for some it would mean a less clean look but set as a toggle option would be great.
Would also be great to let the Community name and user name be direct links, instead of now having to press the menu (3 dots) to navigate to the corresponding page.
An option for the top bar to not dispear when scrolling would be nice as well.
Also any thoughts on having a preview of how the settings affect post/comments?
Don’t crop the pictures, pleeeeeease 🙏
So many of the apps do this, forcing you to click on the thumbnail to see the entire picture when scrolling. Maybe have a setting for people those that want the cleaner look.
How about now? ☺️