Love me some Stephen Baxter. Vacuum Diagrams is a great anthology of stories in this universe.
Love me some Stephen Baxter. Vacuum Diagrams is a great anthology of stories in this universe.
One of the best episodes of Star Trek I’ve seen in a long time. Loved it!
They came through and sent me the game like they said!
I am super intrigued by this, might pick it up next time it goes on a big sale.
Anyone try playing it on the Deck?
I wish my wife could have this experience. :-( She’s been cycling through different meds trying to find one that makes her feel the relief and joy that many people talk about when they get meds.
That looks incredible! The second one was good but I think I still like the first one better. I would love to dive back in.
So they’re admitting that their companies are just as bad? Interesting.
Looks like the post is gone now…
Snap I didn’t see that one!
Thanks. Just reported his post as ‘fraud or scam’ lol. I know nothing will happen but it made me laugh.
Nope haven’t played it at all but have watched some plays of the tutorial and parts of the first day. I am so stoked.
Thank you! I swear I searched for one before and didn’t see one!
Should we start a Severance community on Lemmy? There are dozens of us!
I am anxiously awaiting my copy of ER from the campaign last year. Hopefully fulfillment starts this month!
Logistics is probably the wrong word, I don’t mean the actual physics of space combat, that never super mattered to me. As a kid that played a lot of X-wing so I probably imprinted some of that onto the movies. That game made it feel like a real space navy with an organization, ranks, squadrons, tactics, etc. that made more sense than the way the movies portrayed it.
I always disliked that the movies didn’t show more of the world-building, they definitely could feel shallow at times, but considering they were based on old Flash Gordon type serials I guess it makes sense.
Maryland does.
I find Jedi boring and have always been way more interested in the space fleet battles/logistics/tactics. As a kid I would watch RotJ and fast forward through the ground/throne room scenes just to watch the space battles. I still know exactly where all the scene cuts are.
Look at my pfp. :-)