Her rework made her so much more fun and viable, I love the new balefire augment - the only wish I have is that they made it replace the primary fire so I dont have to click the alt button. Her shield management is still a bit tough in higher level missions like EDA since taking damage reduces how much you can dish out and if you suddenly find yourself surrounded with fully armor stripped enemies, you are seconds away from dying due to low shields, but in the rest of the content she is amazing.
I’ve heard good things about the blazing pillage augment but I can never figure out what to drop in order to fit it into the build, it’s already tight enough as it is.
I will also take this opportunity to complain about her prime skin being inferior to the base one, I love the simplicity and silhouette of the base hildryn and I will die on the hill that the prime is too tacky and detailed. Einheri is neat but I wish I could remove some of the glowy bits.
Why is that meaningful? His #1 has a guaranteee slash proc but it doesn’t affect blast specifically?