It’s at best pointless and uncomfortable, and at worst unhealthy.
It’s at best pointless and uncomfortable, and at worst unhealthy.
Pretty sure that lightsabers are described as being plasma-based even in-universe, rather than lasers. I get that the name can be misleading in that sense.
It’s also “missing” King’s Field, Shadow Tower, Sekiro, and others so I don’t get your “complaint”. The art piece is probably meant to showcase something of a return to form for FromSoft in making games other than Soulslikes.
Näyttää vähän hybridiltä manner-euroopan ja brittien välillä… En kyllä ole aiemmin moista nähnyt.
Voitasko jo lähettää Ano jo postisa Venäjälle? Varmasti viihtyis sielä paremmin mitä täälä suomesa.
Luigi looks just… done… with everything. His mind has checked out, the body is running on autopilot. Lights are on, but no one’s home.
Hat in Time is probably the last big indie 3d platformer, but I’d say Kirby and the Forgotten Land is a decent 3d platformer, unless you meant collectathon style 3d platformer a la what Rare made on the N64 etc. since you mentioned Hat.
I don’t know what kind of game entropy center is, but puzzle is IMO not a wholly useful term, since there are different kinds of puzzles and portal falls into the physics puzzle subgenre. There probably are other fpp that aren’t based around physics, but I can’t think of any right now.
It’s more of a line in the sand or a gradient than a hard point of “pass this and you’re not human anymore”.
The u.s ya dingbat–Dixon_line
Nope, what Prussia_X86 said sounds very much like homophobia. They won’t serve his flamboyant fiance because he looks and acts “gay”, and if they knew that Prussia_X86 was gay they wouldn’t serve him either. While not all gays are as flamboyant as that his fiance sounds like, plenty are, and while not all flamboyant men aren’t gay (or even attracted to men among other genders), a good chunk are. There’s a reason a lot of people assume that flamboyant men are gay, and it’s because a lot of them are.
Some people like the taste of tea over the taste of soda, even if both are equally sickeningly sweet.
Not true about being able to only dissolve the sugar in hot tea, because if it was, the sugar would fall out once it cooled. You can dissolve the sugar into cold tea, it just takes more effort (so time and mixing) than doing it with hot tea and then cooling it. Cold water can hold approx. 1.7g of sugar per gram of water.
The issue is how much hidden sugar there is, especially in the US. Just look at how many things include stuff like corn syrup when it isn’t all that necessary.
I did add the mod back but my stuff wasn’t back. It’s not a big loss, just slightly annoying. Like I said in another reply, I’m still in early game and only lost basic resources. This was more a warning and a vent of my frustrations. And I don’t see any backups in any folder that I think might be relevant…
I tried looking for an automatic backup, but if it exists, I didn’t find it. I didn’t lose anything too important, I am still in early game. I mostly lost a bunch of basic resources like iron and other metal, some diamonds and so on. Though it seemed my bed might have also been deleted, since I don’t remember putting it in the chest.
Tää kuulostaa joltain Yakuza-pelien sivutehtävältä misä Kiryu löytää hukatun matkalaukun ja rupee värkkäämään tietään omistajan tykö…
En kyllä ikäni Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla ja muutaman vuoden etelä-pohjanmaalla asuneena suosittele aivan suoralta kädeltä. Ensinnäkin pidä tolkku päässä jos lähdet tätä yrittämään, eli kerro ihmisille että aiot tehdä näin, missä lasket veteen, missä aiot nousta rannalle, varmistat ettei joki virtaa liian voimakkaasti missään kohtaa. Selvitä myös onko joessa muita esteitä, esim. karikkoja.
Ja vältä koskia. Veden määrä kyllä koskessa saattaa vaihdella, ja sitämyöten jossain määrin sen virtausnopeuskin, mutta koski määritelmällisesti on alue jonka alussa ja lopussa on joen keskivertoa suurempi korkeusero joka synnyttää voimakkaan virtauksen. Kosket myös on monesti paljon kivikkoisempia kuin joen muut osat.
Ja jos aiot ostaa kumiveneen, osta todellakin sitten sellanen mihin saa edes jonkinlaiset airot, muuten oot aivan kusessa.
FE is just rebranded RF. RF comes from the words “Redstone Flux” an energy source that was mainly used by Thermal Expansion 3. TE1&2 used MJ, but that has fallen out of use completely. FE stands for Forge Energy and is practically identical to RF apart from being baked into the Forge modloader, and was introduced in 1.12, where as RF was introduced back in 1.6, before RF was spun out into its own mod.
And a lot of mods use one or the other behind the scenes while renaming the front-facing energy system to something more thematically appropriate, which is what IE does with its IF. Immersive Flux is just a different brand of RF, which in turn is just another way of saying FE. Think of it like bottled water.
Well, the Japanese do make Shochu out of sweet potatoes (and other things), so I guess wine and beer are not quite out of the question.