“Too many Europeans might have frozen to death during the winters so we’d rather not, but by now it’s their fault if they haven’t prepaired. Also buy our gas.”
Up until this point, Washington refrained from sanctions in order to maintain gas flows between Russia and remaining European customers.
the US has held off to preserve stability in Europe’s gas supply. But trade dynamics have shifted since Moscow’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine — that year, the US shipped more natural gas to Europe than Russia did for the first time.
General Artificial Intelligence doesn’t exist - we don’t have HAL9000 or Terminator or Cortana yet.
But up to that point, and almost certainly even past it, the AI effect means the more sophisticated AI things become, the more people think “well </insert ai thing/> isn’t actually intelligent or an AI”.
As Larry Tesler says: “AI is whatever hasn’t been done yet.”