Republicans fall in line, while Democrats want their Presidential candidates make them fall in love
Republicans fall in line, while Democrats want their Presidential candidates make them fall in love
Both Biden AND Trump are running on the false hope that they’ll survive till the end of a 2nd term in office
Craig Pittman was right on the money, when he pointed out that Florida shapes the direction of the entire nation
The nation that brought us The Third Reich isn’t eager to have outsiders on their soil?! This is more shocking than discovering that allowing your teen son to sleep over at Brian Peck’s house will likely result in Jr needing a lifetime of trauma therapy
Exactly why we must now take Israel’s threat to revoke SBC’s citizenship seriously
Da Ali G Show was brilliant. The rest of his solo work has been shit
They’ll retract Sacha Baron Cohen’s citizenship, and leave The West saddled with him, his shitty movies, and the irreparable wreck of his once brilliant career
Do so before The IDF wipes the entire fucking place(And everyone in it)out, once and for all
First they came for low rise jeans, and I did not speak out—because I’m more of a breast man than an ass man
Then they came for the mini-skirts, and I did not speak out—because I don’t wear skirts myself
Then they came for the bikini, and I did not speak out—because the corner of the globe I live in has 3 distinct seasons, and I don’t currently live near the shore
Then they kicked in the door while I was showering, and hauled me off to prison—and there was no one left to speak for me, or practicioners of nudity more generally
Damn straight!!! Roe V Wade getting the chop here in The US has just exacerbated this plague even further
“Soon, millions across the land will be showering, sleeping, and fucking, all without any clothes on. It’ll be the worst human catastrophe since The Black Plague swept across the medieval world!!!”
Sauron pulled a Hans Gruber https://youtu.be/TSdpRP_bVOM?si=P3olCvJLgwZ2kwpH on Galadriel
Emily Ratajkowski has BEEN so afflicted for over a decade now. Hasn’t prevented anyone from eyeing her up and down
She’s got the hots for him, clearly
Give the man credit for finally saying what he actually means
Was anyone else aware that nudity isn’t simply a case of undress, but a virus, which can be spread like chickenpox? I sure as hell wasn’t, prior to reading this story
And from two years earlier: The Crow
The subject matter in COM is, in many respects, bleak. Can’t really describe the settings as such
“Could I have the same postmortem autopsy done on me while I’m still alive?”
That would be exploratory surgery, not an autopsy
Dude speaks as if Israel and Palestine have spent the past 5 decades being The Near Eastern equivalent of Sweden and Denmark, rather than locked in a neverending vendetta that makes beefing between The Crips and The Bloods seem like playground scraping, by comparison