I’ve always used desktop microphones, but that’s an issue I didn’t even consider. Tbh it seems like most “gamer” headsets slap on the shittiest microphones because they affect you the least and it ticks another box on the product page.
I’ve always used desktop microphones, but that’s an issue I didn’t even consider. Tbh it seems like most “gamer” headsets slap on the shittiest microphones because they affect you the least and it ticks another box on the product page.
Yup, this was pretty much supposed to be the point of the meme. Audio, unfortunately, is a much more difficult problem. It seems like we’re getting closer every year though and I’m excited for when wireless audio is as good as wireless keyboards and mice.
I have. You either get good sound quality or low latency. Pretty much every low latency wireless protocol (at least the ones I’m aware of) sacrifices bitrate for latency. I’m not an audiophile by any stretch of the imagination, but I can tell when sound quality isn’t great.
This wasn’t meant to be the point of the meme at all. Wireless keyboards and mice have overcome the issues that made them objectively worse than their wired counterparts (latency and accuracy). Unfortunately though with wireless headphones you either get low latency or good audio quality, and I’m yet to find headphones that do both well. At the moment I have WH-1000XM4s I use for music at work and ATH-M50Xs I use for games. If I could get the best of both worlds I absolutely would, but it seems like every good sounding wireless headphones have awful latency that’s too jarring to ignore when playing games.
For my current job we’ve all agreed to take the approach of not writing comments that say what the code does, but why you did something the way you did. Probably about 90% of our code is uncommented because it just doesn’t need to be, but every once in a while you have to do something out of the ordinary to get the desired behavior, and explaining why you made the weird decision you did is infinitely more helpful.
I wasn’t a Sync user on Reddit, but Relay didn’t make it over to Lemmy. Sync has some of the most non-intrusive ads I’ve ever seen, and that’s coming from someone who is extremely anti-ads. They’re very different from the actual posts and super easy to just scroll past. It’s also very clearly made by someone who is great with UI/UX.
That’s crazy to me. Our manager went out on a boat last week on Friday, and we haven’t heard shit from him since. Hell, we’d probably tattle on him to our skip level if we did because our skip would be furious to hear people are working during vacation. I’m a software engineer in the US, and unfortunately stories like yours are all too common here :/
I have like 3, but I find myself going back to Sync. I wish Relay would have gone this route as that was by far my favorite.
I’m pro supporting devs (I’m also one myself), but I’m even more anti-subscription for software. I’d 100% buy a lifetime subscription for $20, however, $100 for a mobile app is insane in my opinion. The developer can set their prices how they please though, and I’ll continue using the ad supported version until the price comes down.
We’re not saddling bad choices on anyone. We waste so many tax dollars on corporate bailouts while allowing corporations massive tax breaks and we still don’t have the money to provide food and shelter to the vulnerable of our society? Somehow we never have money for helping individuals, but the second a corporation needs anything the money is magically there. We’re the wealthiest country on Earth by a fucking mile and we somehow cannot afford to not let people die in the street because they got dealt a fucked up hand in life, or had unavoidable medical debt, or didn’t have anyone to teach them finances because our education system sure as fuck didnt. Letting people die in poverty isn’t the morally right just because they didn’t have the opportunities or luck you did.
Do you have any idea how many people have 0 debt or kids and still can’t even afford to save for retirement because wages are ass and living is expensive, let alone at 19? I grew up surrounded by poverty, and I’ve seen first hand how inescapable it is. I’m extremely lucky in that I had my family to support me through college and allow me to make more money than I can even fathom at 23.
I’m making all the right choices currently. I’m maxing out retirement, saving for my future, and paying 35% of my income in taxes to the government to just give to a few billionaires so they can become richer instead of helping those who actually need it. Just because I’ve got mine doesn’t mean I’m gonna say fuck you to everyone else. I want to help people who are less fortunate, not pull the ladder up behind me.
Our country is a fucking joke for the poor and vulnerable of our society, and we should be doing so much better, but we aren’t because some dickwad needs another billion dollars.
The price is a bit steep for me personally, but I agree. I’m currently on Connect but the call from Sync is strong.
Technology Connections has a whole video on the danger of, “but sometimes” pertaining to those lights. It’s a great watch if you’re interested
Just wanted to say thank you for implementing this. It feels much more natural, so much so that I didn’t notice it until I was scrolling for quite a while.
Im currently complying with RTO because my office is close to my house and it is convenient, but there are talks of forcing employees to relocate to where the majority of their team is which would be halfway across the country for me. Needless to say we’re losing people in droves and many medium/small companies are picking up tons of talent.
WD Greens are most commonly SSDs. They do make WD Green HDDs but they’re not common, and the one OP had picked out was a 1 TB WD Green SSD.
Good to hear. I remember during Zen2 a $10 price difference in RAM could be 5-10% performance because it just ate the hell out of fast RAM.
If you’re on a budget that WD Green drive is a great choice. They get slept on because they’re ultimately second to Samsung in the storage space, but they make great drives and have been solid since before I was even born (I’m 23). I actually ran a 1TB WD HDD in 2013 that only recently started making ticking noises. I proactively replaced it since SSDs are stupid cheap nowadays, but I probably could’ve run it for a while longer before having any issues.
SSDs and HDDs have similar life spans now, with some SSDs even having better longevity if you’re willing to pay for it. The only reason to get HDDs now is if you need cheap bulk storage. For most people getting a $50 1TB SSD will be all they ever need.
Agree. Great parts list. The only thing I’m not 100% sure on is RAM because I have not kept up with CPU performance given different DDR5 specs, but I figure someone else would point it out if there was any misconfiguration there (such as when you see someone get a 3000MHz DDR4 kit for a Ryzen processor).
As long as they don’t have different allergies or had biometrics recorded and assigned to them at the hospital it arguably wouldn’t even matter.