A bridge will change temperature faster, because the ground had a lot of thermal mass, but concrete will conduct heat away from your body much faster than wood will, assuming both are at the same temperature.
A bridge will change temperature faster, because the ground had a lot of thermal mass, but concrete will conduct heat away from your body much faster than wood will, assuming both are at the same temperature.
That may be how that altercation started, but it’s pretty dishonest to say that’s why they shot at him.
If the solution was as easy as you think it is, someone would have already done it.
There’s a similar logic applied to fault finding, start at the middle of the circuit.
If the fault is before that point, start at the quarter point, if it’s after, three quarters, and keep splitting until you find it.
Isn’t the reason we have microblog memes so we have one place to post content from all different platforms?
It’s not that they had an emotional argument, it’s that every comment I’ve seen from them lately has been off the deep end, and there’s not really any nice way of telling them that.
Gotta make sure they keep running.
Sure they would, buddy. Whatever you say.
I’m starting to think you’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
How exactly do you think it would end if the government tried to declare an Iwi or an environmental org were in fact a gang? Do you think the NZ public would stand for that?
There’s something hilarious about the author’s disappointment to find out they’re British, and nothing else.
Can’t say I blame them though.
This is something I’ve never really stopped to think about until now, but this artwork is actually a piece of genius.
It’s an idea, or a concept, expressed in the form of a banana taped to a wall. It cannot be destroyed, or duplicated. You can tape a banana to a wall, but there can be only one banana taped to a wall. You can destroy the banana, the tape, or even the wall, and the artwork remains, because you cannot destroy an idea. In fact, someone already has eaten the banana.
Furthermore, everyone talking about it merely increases the value of the piece.
It’s absolutely genius.
Having been in areas where homeless people gather, they can be an unpleasant bunch, if not outright hostile. I get why things like that happen.
How much do those products cost?
Cross dressers rather than trans, from my understanding.
We had a ferry run aground because the bridge crew couldn’t figure out how to turn the autopilot off, and now it turns out we lost a naval vessel through a similar mistake.
Our armed forces really are a joke.
Is it really the same artwork, in that case?
I mean, we have a competition where we judge people on their looks, and then expect them to also be smart.
Yeah, it’s kinda sad actually. It’s also nothing different to what Waymo etc are doing, but whatevs.
The output is capped at 4k 30hz on the cheaper ones, and I assume the cheaper ones wouldn’t have particularly good audio.
HDMI still has the edge over all but the very latest version of USB C, at least with high end equipment. But, it works fine for PowerPoint, which is exactly what I’m using it for.
Are you aware of what the definition of a phobia is?