2 years agoABC News on the air is okay.
ABC News website? Why? Just… why? Half the time you load it up, every second story is a human interest story about the struggles of being poor, disabled, a woman, or gay. And I don’t mean a mix, I mean they seem to have a different theme for each day of the week. Tuesdays are Poverty Porn day, Wednesday Women’s Woes, Thursdays it’s a slate of disability inspiration porn that’s so saccharine and maudlin that I can’t read it… and I am disabled. Instead of having to pick the news stories that interest me, it’s a struggle just to pick the actual news stories.
I mean the article starts out on a sensible foot - she’s an awful choice of spokesperson. I probably agree with 90% of what she has to say, but I’m not going to get as far as finding out. I bristle at celebrity at the best of times, never mind when some team of marketing people and managers keep shoving some blunt kid in my face.