Oh god no they suck tremendously…I’m using heliboard and live with the somewhat janky performance.
Oh god no they suck tremendously…I’m using heliboard and live with the somewhat janky performance.
but I don’t think my oven maintains low temperatures well enough to not melt the beads.
You must have a pretty insane oven there, because silica dioxide (which is what they’re made of) melts at 1700°C (3100°F)
You can self source a voron for that amount, and that’s without any of the benefits of large scale purchasing like Prusa has. I’m just really not impressed by the price point.
large print volume (250×220×270 mm)
Yeah that’s really not considered a large print volume anymore for consumer printers… It’s only slightly above standard of most printers these days…Hit me with minimum 300x300x300 print area and we can start calling it large build volume.
Price is still too high IMO, it should be €1050 for the assembled printer, not the DIY kit.
If you only leech and you’re not a hoarder, it really doesn’t require much. For most people there’s not really any need to store every single piece of media they’ve ever consumed or hope to consume…some day…maybe. Or setup tools to automate their uncontrollable hoarding.
I would start by disassembling the extruder and see if the motor rotates properly. If it doesn’t, then check wiring from driver to motor. if wiring is OK then it’s probably the driver that’s dead. edit it could also be a dead stepper motor, try running it from a different driver to see if it works at all.
If it does move properly when disassembled, check shaft that connects it to the gears.
Is this sudden? Has it worked before?
If it was worked but suddenly started acting like this, It could be that the shaft of the stepper is broken or otherwise not connecting properly to the extruding gears.
Could also be a dead channel on the driver or broken wire for a set of the coils in the stepper.
Maybe a used flair classic, if you can live with manual lever brewing. I love mine, but you have to like making espresso and not just drinking it.
Edit: you’ll need a proper grinder no matter which machine you choose.
…indtil videre i hvert fald. Det er med garanti noget af det der bliver nerfet i den uendelige profits navn.
Dude, stop shilling corpo SoMe like a crazy person…
It was the exact same om my oneplus 9pro i had before this one.
And it hasn’t been any different between android 14 that I was on until a few days ago and 15 I have now without improvement.
Its a pixel 8a with plenty of ram…
That’s weird. When I install keyboards I don’t notice slowdowns but rather improvements due to the mainstream solutions being extremely bloated.
I use heliboard, and it’s definitely lagging compared to default google KB when typing on my phone.
Hey syntes der bør graves gevaldigt i evt. relationer mellem politikere der har været med til at bestemme det her, og de entreprenører der er brugt til opgaven, for det lugter fandme af korruption. Der er taget en helt tåbelig beslutning, som vitterligt alle har rådgivet imod…det giver jo ingen mening at det er stemt igennem.
If you live in a high energy cost area the ROI on going SSD can be as low as 3-4 years
~$800 on two 8tb SSDs
2 x 8tb HDDs is roughly $200USD
I don’t know what kind of electricity prices you’re paying, but to hit a 3 year ROI on your SSDs, you’re paying at least $2.2USD/kWh, assuming the full 15W (232kWh/year total) consumption of the HDDs and assuming negligible power consumption from the SSDs.
Edit2: and to be fair I did take refurb HDD price. a refurb SSD is around $300 USD for 8tb, bringing the minimum power cost per kWh down to ~$1.7USD/kWh for a 3 year ROI.
Jaja den logik kan jeg sagtens følge…det der undrer mig er, at KL kan direkte forbyde og forhindre dem i at gøre det, og ikke kun fraråde det. Det er i hvert fald sådan ordlyden er i artiklen. For hvis KL ikke kan stoppe dem men kun fraråde det, så kan kommunen jo trække på skulderen og så bare gøre det alligevel, hvis de rent faktisk ville.
KL er vel effektivt kommunernes chef
Det kan godt være, jeg troede ikke de som sådan havde ultimativ kontrol over de enkelte kommuner og kunne mikromanage beslutninger på den måde, men mere fungerede som en form for interesseorganisation.
Vent…hvorfor får de ikke lov til at stille deres ansatte bedre end overenskomsten kræver? Jeg troede at arbejdsgiver godt måtte gøre ting bedre end de her kegler har forhandlet, men bare aldrig dårligere end det.
Nu får jeg jo ikke tid til at læse op.
Det er også kun de dumme der er nødt til at læse op alligevel, så du er home safe 👌
Yes, but this is likely still assembled from components manufactured in China. So for the DIY kit it’s only pre-assembly of submodules that’s done in Czech republic (depending on how pre-assembled the kit is). If you have to assemble all components yourself, then they’ll have close to no manufacturing cost in EU.