Strawberries. Lots of strawberries
Even more abstract
(1) music performance and processing in individuals with ADHD, (2) the use of music listening as a source of stimulation for those with ADHD, and (3) music-based interventions aimed at mitigating ADHD symptoms. The analysis revealed that individuals with ADHD often experience unique challenges in musical tasks, particularly those related to timing, rhythm, and complex auditory stimuli perception, though these deficits did not extend to rhythmic improvisation and musical expression. Most studies indicated that music listening positively affects various domains for individuals with ADHD. Furthermore, most studies of music therapy found that it can generate significant benefits for individuals with ADHD.
I frequently use music to manage my attention but where I struggle is music production. I can’t listen to music while MAKING music and so I’ve had trouble focusing, staying on task, and having fun with music production
I’m still investigating coping mechanisms for this since it’s an activity that is creatively engaging and I’d like to do more of it
Played on normal
Either I got incredibly unlucky or the AI cheats. Seems a neat game but getting really unlucky with the rolls is frustrating
That’s pretty metal, not gonna lie
I’m not sure what you mean by “advanced” but they’re really not
An Immense World by Ed Yong had a section on Mantis Shrimp and while their fascinating creatures with a really interesting vision system, their color perception isn’t all it’s cracked up to be
I’m reciting this from memory so if anyone knows better please correct me:
Mantis Shrimp have compound eyes with three sections: 1) the main section detects movement and is what they primarily use to see 2) the second section detects color. When the shrimp detects movement it will look at whatever it was with it’s color detecting section to determine if it’s prey or predator. This is a whole separate section of the eye and is unlike how ours function. The reason why the shrimp has so many detectors is because, unlike our eyes, the shrimps eyes don’t combine different color receptors to see color. The book likened it to a bar code scanner that uses the presence of certain color combinations to detect what’s there 3) one really neat thing the mantis Shrimp can do is see spiralized polarized light. We cannot see polarized light but there’s a lot of b polarized light under the ocean so seeing it is fairly common. What’s NOT common is polarized light that travels as a spiral. Mantis Shrimp seem to have evolved the ability to create spiralized polarized light and use it to communicate. As far as we know no other animal can make or see it.
In addition, government research in the sciences is miniscule. You could cut ALL of science funding and be no where close to the 1 trillion that Musk claims he’ll be able to reduce the budget by
Commonly known as the UN biodiversity summit, COP16 is a meeting of government officials from around the world — likely including some heads of state — to figure out how to stop ecological collapse. COP, which stands for “conference of the parties,” brings together environmental leaders and officials from countries that are part of the Convention on Biological Diversity, a global treaty under the UN to conserve nature. They meet every other year to push forward a conservation agenda.
In 10-15 years people will be nastalgic for Fortnight the way people are nostalgic for Xbox 360 halo
And a Creationist!
I was made for this class
Concerts used to be loss leaders to drive album sales
With albums sales down the concert has become the product and ticket master’s business model is to be the only game in town and wring out as much money from concert goers as possible
Because the moon is moving away very slowly there will be a last total solar eclipse at some point. We’re lucky to have such good ones currently
I’ve heard that’s the plan. They’re dedicating an hour to the presidential candidates. If only one shows up then that candidate gets the whole hour
Harris is showing within the margin of error for polls nationally
What we really want to do is look at her chances of winning each state to see the probable delegate total but it’s WAY too early to tell and either way we shouldn’t get complacent
I think the dude in the pic is trans masc
Or Alaska
Awesome! I love the Great Tit!