Username checks out
This is why political ads should not be allowed (and why they aren’t in numerous countries)
That’s already something that Meta is doing for their Llama models:
You can extrapolate openai models consumption from these I guess
Y’a inaperçu et “certains savaient mais avaient intérêt à ne rien dire”
Average fediverse user
He quite literally called it Jihad
Bro cash app me the 600$ and I swear to God I’ll forward them
Would love a link to the story if you have it !
Seems way less efficient than a distill
Spice is much more than a psychedelic or a stimulant, I would say it’s more like if an Adderall pill and a microdosed LSD stamp had a kid
It’s explicitly described as allowing spacetime bending in the books, maybe Villeneuve will talk more about it in the nexr movies
Le xkcd qui va bien:
The more you get into Dune the weirder it gets
Pornhub called, they want credit for the idea
L’optimisation de stock est devenue plus rentable que l’optimisation de frais de livraison j’imagine