I guess the motion controllers gimmick was a more wide-appealing thing.
I guess the motion controllers gimmick was a more wide-appealing thing.
I think in time the most efficient companies will be the ones that don’t spend too much in office buildings and will also be the ones that attract more talent.
In 10-15 years the remote work debate will be over and we will reap the benefits
About time we get more details about this game!
It’s such a simple concept and it increases engagement when they are well implemented. I’d love to play the next Zelda and try to get all achievements. Also I love Steam’s achievement rarity, it makes me feel like a pro knowing that i’m one of the 1% that got some random achievement.
It adds to the overall experience.
If USA elects Trump and he pardons himself that would be hilarious.
Is that legally possible? i’m not from USA so idk
There’s two kinds of resposting:
“honest” resposting that happens when the OP hasn’t seen his submission previously posted.
karma-whore resposting that happens when someone wants to get those sweet internet points.
Without karma the second one may not be a problem at all ¯\(ツ)/¯
Give it time the conplaining will fade. The same happened with digg
Very good UI. I keep getting connection issues when trying to upvote or navigating. Not sure if it’s my instance or the app.
Sidebar makes sense. It’s less invasive and user alienating
RIP Legend
Yeah I really wanted to switch to Signal from Whatsapp but people don’t want to try new messaging apps. Nowadays I use telegram but it’s just bots and 2 or 3 friends.
It’s not that is the only way to talk to your friends. In some countries Whatsapp is the default way to communicate with other people because of SMS prices so if you need to talk to your friends, distant relatives or complete strangers you know you can reach them using that app.
In some cases the fastest way to communicate with a company’s customer service is through Whatsapp.
I prefer a separate name or something that’s easily distinguishable like the Super Nintendo Switch suggestion in comments.
The playstation nomenclature sucks in my opinion, can’t tell which is which when looking at them (specially ps3 and ps4 I feel like they’re the same)
yay living in a 3rd world country has its benefits!
Tough week for logitech. First the controller and now this
It feels familiar to old.reddit so i like it. Squabbles has an interesting approach to displaying posts + comments tho
Finished ToTK and now exploring and doing side-quests. I have a rule of no fast travel and it’s so much fun
I am now happily sailing the seas. Guess who is the one that makes the content readily available