I can’t fully tell but it looks like it might be ai. The left pupil doesn’t go fully from top to bottom of the iris which doesn’t look right.
I can’t fully tell but it looks like it might be ai. The left pupil doesn’t go fully from top to bottom of the iris which doesn’t look right.
Democrats are pragmatically there for the money. They aren’t comically evil, but they are corrupt. They will throw an election before they ever give up AIPAC money and count on the next election swinging back to them. They get to sit back and watch the republicans be the bad guys and stir shit up for a few years. Then, when they get back in power, they fix the things that’s don’t make them money and look like he good guys but conveniently leave the unpopular policy the republicans enacted that makes them money and they don’t have to look like the bad guys. They just look incompetent. But they aren’t. This is all very purposeful. They love this dynamic. They benifit from it.
The democrats as they are for sure need to go. But we need to be more pragmatic ourselves about removing them instead of throwing elections to the republicans hoping it will teach the Democrats a lesson. Because it won’t. We need to focus on getting a foothold and changing the party. And that means turning out to vote in every election no matter what. Vote third party. Vote write in. Vote whatever. But sitting out of elections to teach democrats a lesson just isn’t going to do anything. It’s just throwing away the small amount of political capital most people have. If we don’t vote now its either corporate feudalism or civil war in the future.
Voter suppression is a real and serious problem. I still think most people too beaten down and busy to get out to vote, even if disenfranchised, aren’t about to help out with a civil war or do much to help fix the current regime.
One American to another, we need to recognize that most of our country either voted for this or enabled it by not voting. Most if us either support this malicious behavior or are apathetic to it. Sure. If you take a poll, most Americans don’t want the us to mess with Canada. But if people won’t even vote, then how do you expect them to take up arms to save Canada?
It definitely is! But why? Such a weird little edit that makes the picture uncanny valley. An older tech filter would have been less weird even. There used to be one on Snapchat I used on my cats years ago that was hilarious.
Sorry to be a buzzkill but at least the bottom pic is AI. Cat pupils aren’t wobbly and amorphous.
If you have a pixel. I use calyxOS since I don’t and it’s a bit more secure than lineage.
Also, if you bought your phone through your cell provider, its probably not happening. The bootloader is probably locked. There miiight be some janky tutorials to get around it, but you might brick your phone. Ask me how i know.
Ahh so the whole pic is Photoshop and he actually still looks like an android
Countries already have lax immigration laws for scientists. I immigrated to Europe and where I am scientists are fast tracked to the nice residency and aren’t made to learn the local language.
Those specific types of leftists want accelerationism the us. They will encourage you not to vote even. They want trump because they think that Trump will crash the government and the US will either be crippled and unable to exert imperialism or the people will become so disenfranchised they’ll experience class consciousness and there will be a glorious socialist revolution. What they don’t realize is that companies will gobble up power and the US will become corporate feudalism that’s even more awful on the global stage and few citizens will fight back as long as they feel personally safe and can eat.
Man I think this is just ensuring job security. Until you hired the interns and ruined it!
There’s a lot of local positions and some relatively leftist pockets in the us. This is why leftists need to vote more in small local elections.
The people related to immigrants are often voting constituents interested in their and their families rights if that’s what you mean. Immigrant do have constitutional rights. For example, you can’t just deny them freedom of speech or enslave them just because they’re non citizens. That would be wild.
Yup. I live abroad and pay no US taxes.
OK genocide apologist.
Forcing a people to be part of your system against their wishes is subjugation. The Ukrainians wanted independence. They literally fought for it and lost. Excusing genocide because there was some bonus education is disgusting. Excusing imperialism because you like the perks makes you an imperialist.
Its honestly disgusting how much you try to explain away disproportionate grain quotas so much that you mass starve the very people producing your food and are conveniently also trying to subjugate as unintentional. I’m sure you have lovely things to say about the Irish potato famine as not being genocide too. It’s only genocide when checks notes the imperialists I don’t like do it.
Genocide doesn’t have to be sophisticated, systematic, and performed with guns to be effective. I didn’t compare this situation to the holocaust for a reason.
Intent is a wishy washy excuse when the reality is targeted death of a specific subjugated people. It’s how everyone tries to weasel out of being accused of genocide. Israel doesn’t want to kill all of the Palestinians. Its not their intent. They just want the land and mass Palestinian death is just an unintended side effect. If I roll my eyes any harder I’ll lose them to the back of my head.
but lets look to Raphael Lemkin who is the one credited with coming up with the term genocide:
What I want to speak about is perhaps the classic example of Soviet genocide, its longest and broadest experiment in Russification — the destruction of the Ukrainian nation
Imaging not understanding sarcasm. It’s rich to say I don’t care about people who die when you’re the one cherry picking which genocides to support.
Non intentional genocides and sad truths are lame excuses for an authoritarian regime that took away the autonomy of other nations and caused disproportional death of those they were trying to control.
Sweden made rapid advances in social welfare and programs under Olof. Sorry he didn’t subjugate enough people for you to feel like it was good socialism. Enjoy the boot but be careful because it doesn’t just stomp on the people you think deserve it.
My friend Ukrainian friends should be grateful the the USSR? Barf. Clever you never mention to holodomor. But i bet that is very conveniently not genocide for you. Maybe you should tell African countries to be grateful for their imperialism next since it brought them boarders and some modernization while you’re at it.
Look, you accuse me of not reading. But you seem high on only reading the propaganda you’ve gobbled up. You’re so biased it’s invalidated most of what you’d consider an argument. Though its hard to consider it much if an argument when in this very thread you’ve contradict yourself and offer up fallacies left and right.
I’m not comparing Russia to the USSR. I’m saying that authoritarian capitalism never ended there.
Enjoy your personal cult flavor of imperialism while doing mental gymnastics to call it something else. When a government forceful controls others, its imperialism. Just because you think they were good imperialists doesn’t mean they weren’t imperialists.
I got a soda stream with glass bottles. You can make soda from fruit (lemons and oranges are especially delicious - plus I can control whatever sweetener I use). Also, if you really want cola, then you can get concentrated syrup so there’s less plastic and liquid transport overall.