That is exactly how it works, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri's_fast
That is exactly how it works, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri's_fast
Try frying in pure beef tallow. So good
Dunkirk, extremely boring
In case anyone wants to know in the future. Simplicity is the fund I am with and it allowed to me withdraw almost my full balance to pay off my ex
I don’t know why people can’t keep an open mind and look at issues without prejudice. What did I do to you for the name calling?
Anyway fluoride in water can be toxic. It’s all about the dose
The question about this is that the same can be said about lead. Do we want to consume that?
Does he also know local companies will capitalise on the price increase?
He did address this in the video
I think ashwaganda is not supposed to be taken daily long term
The British 3 pin plug is superior to all other plugs. I miss it
880 thousand million dollars?
Ketamine can be used to treat depression. Looks like u got your moneys worth :)
I guess it makes sense. Less than 5 can be considered variable thus not countable
One would hope that someone so easily manipulated won’t get to be president
I wouldn’t worry about defending your thoughts. I found that certain people tend to overreact if someone presents a view that is mildly against theirs, even if it’s well thought out.
Yep I read that the combined biomass of ants outweigh the combined biomasss of humans
Sometimes it’s the bacteria that kills you sometimes it’s the poop of the bacteria that kills you. The latter won’t matter if you cook it well or not. But yeah generally it’s useless to wash chicken.