Und selbst dann sind ihre leblosen Körper nur so günstig, weil die EU Millionen Milliarden an Steuergeldern in die Tierhaltung investiert. Andernfalls wären pflanzliche Alternativen überhaupt günstiger.
Und selbst dann sind ihre leblosen Körper nur so günstig, weil die EU Millionen Milliarden an Steuergeldern in die Tierhaltung investiert. Andernfalls wären pflanzliche Alternativen überhaupt günstiger.
The neck is still in the original glossy black color
I tried to get the knobs for the stacked pot as close as I could to the original knobs in terms of looks. I painted the gold dots on myself :)
The cavity. Battery is not in yet, and I am using some temporary non-soldered connections until I get that DPDT switch for active-passive switching
Oh wow, so the schematics are published, the repair procedure is documented and you can 3D print the parts yourself? Sign me up for the open source shower!
Oh you thought open source meant sharing your secrets? Nah it’s actually more common to see secrets in the code in closed source projects than in projects that were open source from the start. In open source software, you need to set your own PP_SIZE as an env var or provide it in a .env file or keyvault.
Red Hat (Enrerprise Linux) & HashiCorp (Terraform) closed the source of their products in different ways, also fucking over their community of clients and contributors, though their reasoning seems slightly more sane than “no more free money, aaargh!”
The “paper billionaire” argument does not hold: https://github.com/MKorostoff/1-pixel-wealth/blob/master/THE_PAPER_BILLIONAIRE.md
To Nole Skum it is a joke. He has a total wealth of about $270 billion. $250 million is approxinately 1/1000 of that.
So divide your wealth by 1000, think of how you would feel losing that due to a rare event, while you knowingly took the risk. Does not seem like a big deal to me at all.
After spending all morning pouring acetone on the ridge and scraping off bits of CA glue, I went to the professionals (the mechanical department at my girlfriend’s lab). They used a heavy-duty drilling machine. Due to the way the nut was glued on, the whole shaft assembly started spinning with the drilling machine, but after a few tries, the drill had damaged a large enough part that the nut finally came loose. I saw some smoke rise from the drill as whatever spirit haunted the tone pot finally found peace.
The cursed potmeter is no more.
In the meantime I’ve pulled out most parts of the potmeter, including the shaft. The problem is the locking nut is glued to the thread. I don’t have much left to exert force on on the inside, might have to start using acetone if I can’t find a tool that fits over the hexagon on the inside and allows me to lock it in place.
How does the connectivity work? Is there some sort of Cloudflare-like VPN-ish gateway that they host?
Depends on your point of view, you could argue that’s just the delivery costs.
Wasn’t this community moving to [email protected]?
Es wäre “Whataboutism”, wenn pflanzliche Milch überhaupt nichts mit Kuhmilch und Klimawandel zu tun hätte. Aber tatsächlich entscheiden sich viele Menschen für pflanzliche Milch, weil sie ihnen eine sehr ähnliche Erfahrung wie Kuhmilch ermöglicht, bei wesentlich geringeren Auswirkungen auf das Klima. Es ist durchaus eine Antwort auf das Problem der klimatischen Auswirkungen der Kuhmilchproduktion.
Flugzug? Landebahn?