Everyone is feeling the squeeze. For the last couple years employer have been reducing staff and expecting those remaining to pick up the extra work while not increasing compensation. Then the employers report record profits and the news tells how great the economy is doing while we are all struggling.
It already has all that. And the reason it doesn’t do it auto is so that you can yourself, so you know whats going on. I’m running nextcloud at home for example and apache, mysql, etc were already there so it was like 30 minutes to download and install nextcloud and set it up, very simple, easy and fast to spin up new servers. There are third party package managers that do like sbopkg so you still can if you want.
It is the oldest distribution and tries to not modify any source so as to keep things pure to the vision of the maintainer of whatever software you have installed. It doesn’t hold your hand, there is no auto find and install dependencies for example, but then again that’s one of its advantages, you know what you have installed and why. I picked up a raspberry pi a while back and gave their Rasbian a try. booted it up and ran its update and saw a Microsoft repo get added and stuff from it starting to download so I unplugged it real quick and put Slackware-arm on that microSD card and never looked back at the rasbian/debian stuff again.
Maybe two days, Sat and Sunday. Then simple black and white images don’t take a lot of space. 2857 files. 252mB
I scanned all my college notebooks many years ago. Have this little handheld scanner called an CapShare by HP and on a rainy day one weekend scanned them all in. Only takes up ~250MB
Documentation is also at https://docs.slackware.com/ written by its users. And I find that it is a working system with minimal effort, there is very little that needs done after the quick install.
Its very nice. I use -Sr1 so I can then pull into a spreadsheet and look at the files and decide which one I want to keep.
They are not intended to be a finished product, you are supposed to add your own display and keyboard. If you want really portable start with the Pi zero which doesn’t have the big ports, then slap on a small display and keyboard of your choice. There are small kits like these https://ameridroid.com/collections/all-products/products/odroid-go-advance for example. There are also a few different ones with blackberry keyboards https://liliputing.com/beepberry-is-a-79-hackable-pocket-computer-kit-with-a-blackberry-keyboard/ https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/05/its-a-raspberry-pi-a-blackberry-keyboard-and-a-battery-its-the-beepberry/ (when blackberry quit making hardware they surplussed a bunch of keyboards)
https://ghostwriter.kde.org/ is decent
yep, use a free ddns service if you don’t want to pay
WD-40 is not just better as a cleaner than a lubricant, it actually is a cleaner and is not a lubricant. It just happens to be oil based so it get used as a lubricant often. Dishwasher shouldn’t hurt for just one cleaning, but not really necessary. A degreaser like simple green and an old toothbrush for stubborn grease/dirt works well. (keep your old toothbrushes for cleaning)
Thats odd, when I view it its touching the circle on the top right
The Slackware S should be centered in the circle, not off to the right.
All my pictures are of outside activities, figured maybe someday someone local may see then interact outside as well.
I’ve been posting on pixelfed.social but haven’t had much interaction, but maybe this will get the word out a bit.
I was going to say imagemagick as well. You make a simple script to do what you need such as the crop and connecting together then set it up as a right click action in dolphin or whatever file manager your using.