• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • I haven’t played RCT so not sure how I compares.

    But Factorio is first of, a sandbox game. You can build however you want in your own tempo. Not sure what you mean by finicky?

    But I don’t think it’s tedious micromanagement at all. it feels super good when you build something new and it works. And there is so many technologies and it’s jus fun exploring how everything works together and coming up with new designs!

    There is also enemies, but can be turned off if you just want to focus on building a Factory. I mostly play with them, building up defences and killboxes and making automated train supply that comes with ammo, wall, etc.

    It has a demo you can try out. It’s scenarios so you try out different base mechanics in the game. But the actual game is a sandbox game.

  • So true!!

    The kills a very slow even with descent gear. I have full fortified masori, blowpipe w/ amethyst darts. And Trident of the swamp with 2 ancestral and 1 ahrims. Heavy balista for teleport phase and sapphire bolts for prayer phase. And kills still took between 3-4 minutes. Got some under 3 ofc, but that was lucky rng

    But my teammate with BofA, killed it waaay quicker than me. So honestly if you get a Bofa, the grind is way better.

    Also, I got the first shard at 266 kc! And my friend got the other 4 haha.

  • I was a bit disappointed in the hueycoatl. But I might have overhyped it in my head. I thought you would do several round trips around the mountain, getting to the top, doing all sort of cool and fun mini challenges… But it’s just attack the body 5 different parts and run up and smack it in the head. So that might be on me, for overhyping it for myself.

    But the moon bosses was very nice, also my GIM is 454 kc dry for bandos armor. And it’s really boring killing General Graador for 20 seconds and stadig around for a minute waiting for him to respawn. So the blood moon armor was super nice grind. And now the bandos armor grind has been postponed for a loooong time haha

  • Min all-time favorite er The resistance. Jeg havde en lille spil gruppe på 5, og det spil kunne vi bare spille i flere timer i træk

    Ellers kan jeg super godt lide strategi spil, og den vi spiller mest for tiden er Tapestry. Jeg synes der er en super god mix af at man kan spille sit “eget” spil, men også fucke sin modstandere over. Plus man har sin egen civilisation, med specielle egenskaber. Så spiller føles aldrig som det samme, hvilket også er meget fedt. Det er lidt “ligende” Terraforming Mars, men tager ikke lige så lang tid, hvilket er et stort plus haha

    Ellers synes jeg 7 wonders er god, når man spiller med folk der ikke er vant til “komplekse” brætspil. Altså det sværeste brætspil de har spillet er sådan ludo/uno.