Nope. I’ve just checked it again, I can only set subtitles, quality, etc. but not the audio track. (m.youtube.com in firefox on android)
Funny though that today I’m getting the original audio by default. Someone got a backlash it seems
Nope. I’ve just checked it again, I can only set subtitles, quality, etc. but not the audio track. (m.youtube.com in firefox on android)
Funny though that today I’m getting the original audio by default. Someone got a backlash it seems
Apparently I can’t watch this video with the original audio. Instead some robotic female voice speaks in my language. Some dude at youtube really thought it’s a good idea to not only make this default, but also don’t provide the option to deactivate it. And it’s probably just the beginning. I am so excited for all the unwanted AI features that will be forced down my throat in the future
Yeah thanks I’ve seen that, however it doesn’t work correctly. Both states for the setting give me the same results and the desktop mode toggle in the 3 dot menu is not working anymore.
yeah I have tried that but it doesn’t help.
I’ve checked the release notes and apparently they have made changes to the desktop mode AKA they broke it. In the latest play store ratings there are a few people reporting the same issue on tablets. So I guess my firefox was updated to this broken version last night.
Is there a way to rollback to the last version in the play store or do I have to install an apk from mozilla manually? (sorry for the dumb question, never done this before)
It’s not only fonts, also columns, boxes, etc. everything looks like when you zoom in, but I can only zoom in more, not out. Some sites are barely usable because the side bars take up almost 50% of screen width :(
I have checked the tablet settings and everything is at default.
edit: I’ve just tried chrome and sites look normal there :/
I have never heard of it although I lurk the major audio forums daily. From what I see on their site I think Reaper + free plugins will get you farther.
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
if you do this bullshit for years with zero impact how is that a win? And why even paintings? I mean, let’s be real, not a lot of people care about art. If you want to go this route, at least throw soup at things the masses care about. But really, just don’t because no amount of attention will have any significant impact. You either give people incentive to change or you force them, anything else is not effective.
So you think a person that would turn off UAC wouldn’t just put NOPASSWD in the sudoers? I doubt that. And even if they had to enter their pwd… Wouldn’t that just be annoying for the casual user instead of increasing security? I doubt they would be like “Oh I have to enter my pwd now, that really makes me think twice about whatever I was going to do with sudo.”
Honestly I don’t think it’s that bad. I have to use sudo just as often on linux as I have to accept the elevation box on win. Win11 has some serious issues but UAC is harmless.
Fair enough but then you shouldn’t complain about the lack of confirmation (like the meme does)
Yeah maybe, but if that exact same people would use linux they would sudo or 777 everything which wouldn’t be much better security wise
It’s not like I want to defend windows, but If it needs admin permission you usually can’t start it without confirmation.
der Kontext schreit eigentlich fast eher nach dem Clown Meme 🤡
Amazon umschifft das ein wenig, denn streng genommen hat auch das ein-Jahres-Paket keine feste Laufzeit, du kannst es als Kunde jederzeit kündigen und dir dann den Rest anteilig auszahlen lassen.
Danke für diesen Beitrag. Dieser Umstand war mir bisher nicht klar, da er erst beim allerletzten Kündigungsschritt ersichtlich wird. Ich war schon kurz davor eine Rage Mail zu schreiben, um ein Sonderkündigungsrecht “einzufordern”. Aber so war die Kündigung jetzt doch weitaus geschmeidiger :)
well, you call it dystopia, they call it brainstorming :P
I don’t think most people have an issue with compensation for good content, it’s just there are not a lot of monetization schemes that support this. So what you get instead of quality content is stuff like 40 minute video tutorials with 5 ad breaks about a subject that could have been explained in 5 minutes. That’s also why people tend to put reddit at the end of a google search because chances are good you find a simple post with the exact information you need instead of all the blog sites that explain the same shit in only 5003937352729 words with 300 ads inbetween that show up at the first result page because they game the seo system.
I’m neither a systemd fan nor a hater, but in my experience not even enterprise linux distributors can get it to work correctly all the time. That tells me that maybe it is too complicated.
this looks more like “how to set your house on fire”